Faculty of Veterinary Medicine establishes cooperation with the College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences of the United States of America

6 квітня 2018 року

From September 11 till September 20, 2017, at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, a graduate of the faculty was on a working visit, and now Artem Rogovsky, Director of the Clinical Laboratory of Veterinary Microbiology of the Texas University of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences (United States). During the visit, the staff of the faculty had an opportunity to discuss the actual problems of preparing veterinary medicine specialists in Ukraine and the United States of America, to work out ways for further scientific cooperation and to establish partnerships between the National University of Life Sciences and Natural Resources of Ukraine and the College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences of the United States of America.

Within the framework of the visit with the participation of Artem Rogozsky on the basis of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, the International Educational and Scientific English-speaking Seminar for students, postgraduates and young scientists "Clinical Veterinary Microbiology and Application of Antimicrobials in Veterinary Medicine" was also held.

Thus, the purpose of the seminar and working meetings with post-graduate students and teachers of the faculty was to increase the efficiency and quality of scientific research, acquaintance with the possibilities of grant support of scientific research. Participation in the organization and conducting a seminar with postgraduate students was joined by the chairman of the Board of Young Scientists of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Natalia Druz and the chairman of the Board of Postgraduate Students of the Faculty Roman Biloshitsky.

A week continued courses in the framework of the seminar with students of the english group of the 4th year BS "Bachelor". During these classes, students learned how to correctly apply knowledge about the minimum inhibitory concentration of the drug in different clinical cases, had the opportunity to discuss different options for the development of clinical cases in detail, as well as learn about the laboratory and its nuances. Each student of the course received individual homework, which then was discussed by the entire group. Meetings in the framework of the seminar were held exclusively in English, which made it possible to learn new terms.

We are grateful to Artem Rogovsky for his active participation in the seminar and the establishment of cooperation and we look forward to further development of the partnership!


Nikolai Tsvilikhovsky,
Dean of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
Marina Galat
Head of international programs of the faculty
Elizabeth Tarasova, Anna Shamrii, Elizabeth Al-Badu, Pilluy Ivanna,
4th year, 6th group students of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine

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