The Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology continues to improve the educational and methodological support for providing lessons

2 березня 2018 року

 One of the last priority tasks of the work of pharmacology and toxicology was determined development and holding the events to improve the quality of the educational process organization and the level of teaching disciplines.

In this perspective, the scientific and pedagogical staff of the department according to the schedule of educational courses in the discipline "Veterinary pharmacology" was prepared 17 stands. They were placed in the auditorium 215 (block D), where laboratory lessons are provided for students of the OS "Bachelor".

Visual educational materials contain general and specialist veterinary pharmacology information.

So, data on the ways of introduction and biotransformation in the organism of medicinal products are given, the modern classification of veterinary preparations of the main pharmacological groups is presented. From the basics of the recipes, the recipe structure and the endings of nouns in Latin are presented, which is necessary for prescribing recipes.

The prepared material is aimed to help the student in studying and mastering the material of especially complex subjects in the discipline "Veterinary pharmacology".

V. Dukhnytskyi

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