5 січня 2018 року

 According to the main directions in vocational guidance at the Faculty of Humanities and Pedagogy, I would like to note that during the first academic semester, the Department of English for technical and agrobiological specialties active vocational guidance is directed in three areas: with teachers, students and their parents. Each of these directions is important and significant, although it is undoubtedly taken into account that the success of the case will ultimately depend on the level of work with the students. 

Active and effective forms and methods of vocational guidance with schoolchildren are defined: visiting methodical meetings of school schoolmasters at district departments of education; attending parental colleges of graduates of schools, in order to familiarize parents of graduates with specialties of the faculty; visiting of secondary educational institutions for vocational guidance purposes, students of NULES; replenishment of school rooms with promotional materials about the university; preparation and conducting of professional excursions to universities ; participation in weeks of vocational guidance; conducting individual and group professional counseling consultations for schoolchildren, etc. 
That is why the teachers of the English language department for technical and agrobiological specialties attend secondary schools, where students with parents and schoolchildren communicate with the purpose of assisting in professional self-identification, also familiarize students of the 10th-11th forms with the structure of our university, inform about licensed specialties, on which training, priority areas of study, double diploma, conditions for admission to our higher education, developed infrastructure, cultural and sports events.
The strategies of interaction between educational institutions and the humanities and pedagogical faculty on the support in the self-determination of schoolchildren with the aim of coordination of their activities are developed. It was decided to consolidate the links of educational institutions with cooperation agreements, signed 7 agreements with the aim of joining efforts and joint activities within the framework of research, training, vocational guidance and out-of-school work with schoolchildren of the school.
Successful implementation of effective vocational guidance in secondary schools assigned to the humanities and pedagogical faculty in the course of providing vocational guidance services in order to achieve the motivation of students to master a certain specialty presented at the faculty, based on the maximum use of information opportunities in the process of vocational guidance, active first year students are included in vocational guidance.
Therefore, mastering more new forms of vocational guidance work, on October 31, 2017, in the Podillya Secondary School N93, within the framework of cooperation and vocational guidance, a meeting of deputy directors of all schools in the Podilsky district, representatives of the district education department took place, where teachers of  Department of English for technical and agrobiological specialties also took part, as well as Mykhailo Pertsevy, representative of LLC "Kleverdia", whose work is based on a comprehensive approach to the study of personality. Their system is called Integrated vocational diagnostic "Applicant". By means of this system, users, based on the results of the test, receive a detailed report that describes each parameter that is important for determination, provides recommendations for the development of personality and also provides a list of occupations in which the child will be able to maximize their potential in order to help the students in choosing a future profession.
The student's own example, yesterday's student, is the best visiting card of the university. That is why the Department of English for technical and agrobiological specialties by the students' lips continues to inform Ukrainian schools about the importance of choosing the right institution and future profession. And the most eloquent of all - they are high school graduates, their graduates.
Within the vocational guidance, teachers of the English language department for technical and agrobiological specialties have started an innovative form of interconnection with secondary education institutions. In particular, on November 16, 2017, at the parents' meeting for grades 9-11, a meeting took place between the teachers and the directorate of the Podolsk gymnasium №34 "Lybid" named after them. V.Maksimenko, parents of senior pupils, and teachers of the Humanities and Pedagogical Faculty.
Having mastered a specialty in a higher education institution and convinced that this is your choice - your road, but can happen in your life to change the path and master new knowledge, skills and abilities. Therefore, the future agronomists of the Mukachevo Agrarian College, among which there is already a priest, a private entrepreneur, a laboratory assistant at the department, should know from the head of the Department of English for technical and agrobiological specialties Ivanov O.V. on the specialty of the humanities and pedagogical faculty of NUBiP of Ukraine for the educational degree "Master".
The strategies of interaction between secondary educational institutions and the humanities and pedagogical faculty on the support in the self-determination of schoolchildren with the aim of coordination of their activities are developed. It was decided to consolidate the links between educational institutions and the cooperation agreement in order to combine efforts and joint activities within the framework of research, training, vocational guidance and extracurricular activities with schoolchildren.


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