A romantic operetta to finish the first term

29 грудня 2017 року

The students of the 7th group of the 3rd year of education of the Faculty of Agrarian management of the NULES of Ukraine celebrated the finishing of the first term by viewing the performance “The violet of Montmartre” of Kyiv national academic theatre of operetta. This was organized by the teachers of the Production and investment management department.

The music of the famous compositor Imre Kalman took the students away to Paris of the middle of the XIX century. The students dived into a romantic story of the bohemian life in the Montmartre streets. The essence of the plot was in the real life of famous artists: a painter Raul Delakrua, a poet Anri Murzhe and a compositor Florimon Erve. The Fate was laughing at them long but they were not broken to believe in successful future. A good and tender girl Violet gave them the belief in them to reach their triumph.

The performance “The violet of Montmartre” of Kyiv national academic theatre of operetta touched everybody deeply by the plot and cheered with bright costumes of the characters, sceneries, impressed by the beautiful singing and sophisticated dancing. The students were very much satisfied by the way the year ended.

Tetiana Lobunets, Kateryna Alekseieva

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