The Production and investment management department continues its professional orientation work at the specialized school-lyceum № 157, Kyiv

13 листопада 2017 року

On the 13th of November 2017 Associate Professor of the Production and investment management department Nataliia Drobot together with a student of the 4th year of education Tetiana Televiak visited the specialized school-lyceum № 157 in the Obolon district of Kyiv.

They had a meeting with the graduating forms of the lyceum in the terms of the professional orientation. At the meeting there was a talk concerning the globalization of the education and the importance of management as a perspective specialty which can be obtained at the National University of life and environmental sciences of Ukraine.


The specialized school-lyceum № 157 is an educational institution that provides the ideas of the humanistic pedagogic. The talented team of the teachers creates opportunities for the youth’s development on their way to the adult life. We saw strong and multiply developed young people who are responsible for the future of our country.

There was an agreement on cooperation concluded between the National University of life and environmental sciences of Ukraine and the specialized school-lyceum № 157. According to the agreement the lectures in economics, financial knowledge and investment management are planned for the school pupils.


Nataliia Drobot, Kateryna Alekseieva

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