The inclusive development of the national economy will provide the growth of Ukraine

9 листопада 2017 року

International Scientific and Practical Conference "Inclusive Development of the National Economy: Global Trends, Ukraine's Opportunities and the Role of the Agro-Food Sector" started working in the University on the 9th of November 2017.The Production and Investment Management Department initiated quorum which included the representatives of the scientific idea from different universities, different countries, civil organizations, public administration organs, employers, the Supreme Rada deputies.

The Vice-rector on the studying and pedagogical activities Sergii Kvasha offered congratulations on behalf of the Rector of the University Stanislav Nikolaienko. He stressed the necessity to understand the essence of the inclusive policy. Proceeding the process of creating the new definition it is necessary to separate the new things and the existing things. Sergii Kvasha spoke about different ways of estimating and trends of the global economy. Obviously the known by everybody indices of defining the place of a country in the world as for example GDP should be added by other indices in order to answer the question how they influence the prosperity of people.

The activities and the reforms should satisfy all the market members. So that all the changes can be excused only in case if they improve everyone’s prosperity without causing the deterioration of well-being of at least one person.

The honored Minister of the Lithuania Embassy in Ukraine Gvidas Kierushkauskas offered his congrats to the audience and thanked for being invited to the measure of such level. The guest stressed that science must work for business of the country. As for Ukraine it is crucial to help business, to become innovative and to export more products. He spoke about the cooperation among the agrarian enterprises of two countries and understanding of the situation in Ukraine. But anyway he admitted the movement forward of Ukraine and wished it to become faster. Gvidas Kierushkauskas also took the opportunity to honor our colleague Svitlana Shkil by an honorary diploma.


Valentin Didich the deputy of the Supreme Rada of Ukraine admitted the fact of the NULES’ becoming a platform of creating new knowledge for economy and its agrarian sector and the Conference was the evidence of it. He underlined that main problem of Ukraine was poverty which could not be won without the economy’s improvement. The ways of doing it would be shown in the resolution of the Conference and would be taken as the basis for his committee work. He resumed that the necessity to provide the normal life both in the village and in the city was understandable for everyone.


The science and business should work together – it was the main thesis to appeal to the audience by the associate director of the department of the agro-industry development of Kyiv region state administration Ruslan Vladika. In the plans for 2018 of the department he represents there are the raising of investments into production of the agrarian products, rising of competitiveness of the producers, protection of the agrarian products producers’ rights and interests.


So what should be the model of our economy like? Sustainable or inclusive? What is the future of our country: to be positioned as an agrarian country or to be an industry oriented country? The attempt to make it all clear was made at the Conference. The first to present her vision was the head of the Production and Investment Management Department Lidiia Shynkaruk. According to her statements Europe is moving and implementing the sustainable and inclusive growth. Inclusion is a clue component. Its main accent is that economy should be developed for people. Unfortunately the inclusion has been still missed in Ukraine. Lidiia Shynkaruk showed the indices to prove it. These were the indices of the GDP, dynamics of the industry production, and dynamics of the public debt. In her opinion the agrarian economy of Ukraine cannot exist without the industry development. Otherwise it is a way to the never land. The situation can cause other consequences. We have already become among the leaders in the quantity of the migrants and many of them are the migrants with the higher education. So what are the changes to make? To answer the question Lidiia Shynkaruk presented the frame program of the structural reformation of the industry and the steps of doing it in all the branches of economy to lead to the dynamic development. Simultaneously she stressed that it was not necessary to wait for the one to step the first: people, business or Government. The best way in her opinion was to reform together.   

The difference in the definitions “sustainability” and “inclusiveness” was considered by the new speaker Olha Popova doctor of economic sciences from the Institute of economy and forecasting of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. She stated that the sustainable development which connected economy, ecology and the social sphere formed the basis for the inclusion i.e. for the employment, social protection, and fairness. Why is inclusion so important? It is important because such economy not only provides the material needs but also provides the equal chances for everyone in the village and in the city for both personal and social growth. That is why the progress of the agrarian sector has been shown but the village has shown its total degradation.


The vice-president of the Ukrainian Union of the industrials and entrepreneurships Yuliia Dragovoz also said about the necessity to shift the accents from simple production of the agrarian products to the process of connecting it with its recycling. Also she said about the disadvantages of the tax system of Ukraine in the context of the development of the agrarian entrepreneurship as one of the clue factors of the inclusive economy was considered to be the tax system.

The real discussion flared up concerning the tax rate for small and big business and its privileges. Sergii Kvasha, Lidiia Shynkaruk, Yuliia Dragovoz, an expert of the Institute for tax reforms Elvira Tkachova, Olha Popova, professor of the National Unifersity for food technologies Oleksandr Butnik-Siverskii, the head of the economics department Mykola Talaviria and professor of the Kyiv national trade-economic university Iryna Fedulova participated actively in the discussion.


The next block of the reports was connected with the problems of the science and education. Without them the inclusive economy is impossible. To expand the statement of the close connection between business and science the head of the research and development department of the University Volodymyr Otchenashko presented the research samples of our scientists and the directions of the applied research work which were ready to be taken into production and could be offered to the producers.




The As. Professor of the Social pedagogic and information technologies in education department Artur Kocharian spoke about the challenges for education in the context of the fourth industrial revolution. The difficulty of the period is in the fact that unlike the previous revolutions all the changes take place within life of only one generation. Education should be able to react to the changes. As for the students who were frequently appealed to at the Conference the speaker called them to join the research work, to take part in the knowledge creation. Otherwise they (students) are in a risky position to become the same as the others.


Elvira Tkachova also spoke about the fact of a large dependence on the economists at enterprises today. She showed the poll results according to which the most of the graduates of the Universities wanted to work abroad, as for the graduates of the agrarian higher education institutions they wanted to become top managers of agro holdings. The situation seems paradoxical: there is a need in a specialist in an enterprise in a district center with a salary of 25 thousand gryvnas, but the employer cannot find an employee. To continue this Sergii Kvasha stated that until we all could not work for someone else we would not be able to find those who would work for us.

The report of the professor of the National University for food technologies, the president of the Ukrainian PR-league Olena Derevianko was not less interesting and original. It was connected with the reputational aspects of the agrarian enterprises. The professor of the National University for food technologies Iryna Fedulova made report on the topic “Risk-appetites: the definition and content”.

The work of the Conference was followed by four sections.  

The resolution will be worked out according to the results of the Conference and it will be sent to the profile committees.   

O. Nakonechna, K. Alekseieva






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