4 жовтня 2017 року
Successful implementation of effective vocational guidance in secondary schools assigned to the humanities and pedagogical faculty in the course of providing vocational guidance services in order to achieve the motivation of students to master a certain specialty presented at the faculty, based on the maximum use of information opportunities in the process of vocational guidance, are included in the vocational guidancе of active full-time, first year students.
Therefore, students of the first year of NUBIP help senior students in this complicated choice, which they have already done themselves, familiarizing them with our university, and especially with the specialties of the humanities and pedagogical university. With this purpose, Ivan Melnyk visited the Kuzminograbelsk secondary school, Khrystyniv district, Cherkasy region. An example of students, their interesting stories did not leave indifferent future entrants, so we hope to see them in the walls of our university.
O. Ponomarenko
Press-centreTo Applicants (синій)Regional Educational Institutions (синій)

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