
Head of Department
Natalia Puzrina

Тел.: (+38 044) 527-82-82

Електронна пошта: [email protected] [email protected]

PhD (Sylviculture), Associated Professor, the Head of Forestry Department of Educational and Scientific Institute of Forestry and Landscape Management of the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Corresponding Member of the Forestry Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.

She has been working at the department since 2001.

Provides teaching of educational disciplines: "Forest entomology", "Pests and pathogens of woody ornamental plants", "Monitoring harmful organisms of forest ecosystems", "Diagnosis of forest diseases", "Forest phytopathology".

Scientific activity in the field of forestry is related to the development and deepening of knowledge about the features of the ecology of forest insect pests and the conditions for their outbreaks, improvement of forest pathological monitoring of pests in forest ecosystems, methods of entomological surveys, assessment and forecasting their development.

Is an Author and co-author of more than 85 scientific, methodical and educational works, 4 textbooks, 4 monographs, 1 patent, 1 copyright registration certificate.

Provides graduate training. There are head final bachelor and master’s diploma.



Google Scholar:


Researcher ID R-9547-2017


Petro Yavorovskyi

Тел.: (+38 044) 527-82-82

Електронна пошта: [email protected]

Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Senior Research Officer.

Yavorovskyi P. works for the department since 2012. He provides teaching of the following subjects: “Research Methodology”, “Forest ecology”, “Recreational forestry”, “Forest pyrology”, “Fire ecology” and “Fire management”.
Scientific interests concerns the study of improving cultivation planting material of decorative tree species, regulation of plant resistance to stress factors, monitoring fire danger in forests and the development of measures for its reduction, recreational green areas in settlements of Ukraine.


Sergiy Zibtsev

Тел.: (+38 044) 527-82-82

Електронна пошта: [email protected]

Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor.

Zibtsev S.V. works for the department since 2000. He provides teaching of the following subjects: “Regulation of forest productivity”, “Forestry and forest resources around the world”, “Forest pyrology” and Master program subjects for students of research specialization “Wildfires theoretical basis – monitoring and risk reducing”.
Scientific interests concerns the study of fire management, fire hazard, the energy potential of forest biomass, species and ecosystem diversity, environmental and radiation monitoring of forests, social aspects of Forest Stewardship Council (FSC).


Google Scholar:


CV: Sergiy Zibtsev


Volodymyr Grib

Тел.: (+38 044) 527-82-82

Електронна пошта: [email protected]

Professor, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences (2013).


Author and co-author of more than 80 scientific works, including 2 monographs, 6 patents for inventions.

Awarded the thanks of the Kyiv City Mayor (2015).

Responsible for teaching the discipline "Fundamentals of forest exploitation".




Associate Proffesor
Serhiy Sendonin

Тел.: (+38 044) 527-82-82

Електронна пошта: [email protected]

Candidate of Agricultural Sciences.

Sendonin S. works for the department since 2006. He provides teaching of the following subjects: “Forest ecology”, “Applied Silviculture”, “Forest pyrology” and “Recreational forestry”.
Scientific interests concerns the study of the influence of abiotic factors on natural regeneration of oak stands in the forest steppes zone of Ukraine.



Associate Professor
Vyacheslav Levchenko

Тел.: (+38 044) 527-82-82

Електронна пошта: [email protected]

Candidate of Agricultural Sciences.

Levchenko V. works for the department since 2002. He provides teaching of the following subjects: “Forest ecology”, “Applied Silviculture”, “Biological basis of thinning”, “Forest pyrology” and “Forest fuels”.
Scientific interests concerns the study of natural regeneration of forests tree species in Ukraine.

Curriculum Vitae: Viacheslav_Levchenko.


Associate Professor
Olga Tokareva

Тел.: (+38 044) 527-82-82

Електронна пошта: [email protected]

Candidate of Agricultural Sciences.

Tokareva O. works for the department since 2003. She provides teaching of the following subjects: “Forest ecology”, “Recreational forestry”, “Regulation of forest productivity”, “Basis of preparation of professional foresters”, “Non-timber forest resources” and “Fire behavior”.

Scientific interests concerns the study of the recreational forests use assessment, phytoclimate, recreation impact on forest stands.


Associate Professor
Andriy Vyhovskyi

Тел.: (+38 044) 527-82-82

Електронна пошта: [email protected]

Candidate of Technical Sciences (2006), associate professor.

He has been working at the department since 2004.

Author and co-author of more than 75 scientific and educational-methodological works, including 6 monographs, 5 training manuals, 1 textbook and 2 patents for a useful model.

Provides teaching of educational disciplines: "Mechanization of forestry works", "Mechanization of horticulture and park management", "Forestry machines and tools". Manages the preparation of final qualification papers of students of "Bachelor's" and "Master's" programs.

Scientific interests are related to the substantiation of the optimal composition and effective use of a complex of machines in forestry.


Associate Professor
Maxim Bilous

Тел.: (+38 044) 527-82-82

Електронна пошта: [email protected]

Candidate of Agricultural Sciences (2009), Associate Professor.

Author and co-author of more than 65 scientific and educational-methodical works, including 4 monographs, 5 training manuals, 1 textbook.
Provides teaching of the disciplines: "Forest transport", "Forest roads and forest transport", "Forest production" and "Forest harvesting and transport", as well as laboratory-practical classes and educational practices in the discipline "Mechanization of forestry works.
Scientific research is related to modern methods and technologies of reproduction of forest plantations in the conditions of anthropogenically changed agro-landscapes


Associate Professor, Ph.D. (Forestry, Fire Ecology)
Vasyl Gumeniuk

Тел.: (+38 044) 527-82-82

Електронна пошта: [email protected]

Candidate of Agricultural Sciences (Ph.D., 2016), Associate Professor (2021).

Laureate of the "Mike da Luz Memorial Scholarship Award" presented by the Association for Fire Ecology, USA, 2014.

Author and co-author of more than 60 scientific papers.

Gumeniuk V.V. works for the department since 2014. He provides teaching of the following subjects: "Forest Fire Management", “Forest Ecology”, “Applied Silviculture”, “Regulation of Forest Productivity” and Master program subjects for students of research specialization “Wildfires theoretical basis – monitoring and risk reducing”.

Scientific interests concerns the study of fire ecology, and in particular, post-fire succession of Scots pine stands of the Central Polissya of Ukraine, including biodiversity, tree state and regeneration, development and implementation of educational programs for the training of professional forest firefighters in Ukraine, effectiveness of fire resources during forest fires of various sizes and intensity, close to nature forestry, fire-resistant landscapes.


Google Scholar:;

ORCID ID: 0000-0003-4143-0739;

Curriculum Vitae: Vasyl_Gumeniuk_Ukraine.


Assoc. Prof., PhD. (Forestry)
Oleksandr Soshenskyi

Тел.: (+38 044) 527-82-82

Електронна пошта: [email protected]

A graduate of the Kremenets Forestry College (2009) and the Forestry Faculty of the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine (2012). Postgraduate full-time student at NUBiP of Ukraine (2013-2016). Assistant of the Forest Mensuration and Forest Management (2015-2018). Assistant Professor of the Department of Silviculture Department (2018-2020). Associate Professor of Silviculture Department (since March 2020). Also since 2013, working on the position of researcher in the Regional Eastern Europe Fire Monitoring Center (REEFMC).

Provides teaching of educational disciplines: "Forestry", "Forest Pyrology", "Fire Management", "Forest Ecology", "Non-timber Forest Resources", "Recreational Forestry", "Silviculture".

Specific area of research are Forest Management, Silviculture, including close-to-nature silviculture.

Scopus -
Google Scholar -
Curriculum Vitae - Oleksandr Soshenskyi


Associate Professor
Valentin Bilous

Тел.: (+38 044) 527-82-82

Електронна пошта: [email protected]

Candidate of Agricultural Sciences (2015), Associate Professor.

Has 30 scientific papers, including 1 monograph.

Scientific interests are related to the restoration of natural populations of hunting bird species.

Provides teaching of disciplines: "Biology of forest animals and birds with the basics of hunting", "Management of wild animal populations", "Hunting economy of Ukraine and the world", "History and culture of hunting", "Zoogeographical and hunting economic zoning".

He is the supervisor of final bachelor's and master's theses.


Associate Professor
Ivanna Kulbanska

Тел.: (+38 044) 527-82-82

Електронна пошта: [email protected]

Candidate of biological sciences (2016), associate professor.

Provides teaching of disciplines: "Forest Phytopathology", "Integrated Forest Protection", "Protection of Ornamental Plants from Pests and Pathogens", "Fungi of Ukrainian Forests". He is the supervisor of final bachelor's and master's theses.

Author and co-author of more than 100 scientific works, including two patents of Ukraine for a utility model.

Scientific interests are related to the theoretical and applied aspects of the study of bacterial pathology of forest woody plants.
Hyperlink to Scopus:
Google Scholar Hyperlink:


Associate Professor
Hanna Boyko

Тел.: (+38 044) 527-82-82

Електронна пошта: [email protected]

Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor.

Scientific activity in the field of forestry is related to the study of the species composition and biological properties of the automyco- and microbiota of pine plantations, the peculiarities of the ecology of forest pests and pathogens.

Author and co-author of more than 60 scientific, methodical and educational-methodological works, including 11 articles in professional publications and published in other international scientometric databases, 5 educational-methodical developments, 3 patents for a useful model, including 21 textbooks, 1 textbook, 3 monographs, 1 copyright registration certificate.

Reads practical and laboratory classes for full-time and part-time students in the disciplines "Forest Entomology", "Pests and pathogens of woody ornamental plants", "Diagnosis of forest diseases".


Associate Professor
Maryna Lakyda

Тел.: (+38 044) 527-82-82

Електронна пошта: [email protected]

He has been working at the department since 2017

Associate Professor of the Department of Forestry, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences (2017).
He teaches the disciplines "Forestry", "Recreational forestry", "Non-timber forest resources", "Forest ecology and typology".

Author and co-author of more than 50 works, including 3 monographs.

Scientific interests are related to quantitative assessment of ecological functions and ecosystem services of forest plantations of Ukraine.

Curriculum Vitae: Maryna Lakyda







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