In educational New Year - with a new textbook

12 вересня 2017 року

The Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology of NULES of Ukraine was and is nowadays  the main methodical center for the preparation and publication of educational and methodological literature for teaching following disciplines: "Medicinal Plants", "Veterinary Pharmacology", "Veterinary Toxicology" and the Master's Program "Veterinary Pharmacy" in the universities of Ukraine where specialists of veterinary medicine are prepared.
Since 2010 the staff of the department has prepared and issued 8 textbooks and manuals that were recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine, the Academic Council of NULES of Ukraine.
A real present for students of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine in 2017 was the textbook "Veterinary Pharmacology", prepared by acad. of NAAS of Ukraine G. Khmelnitsky and prof. V. Dukhnitsky An electronic version of the educational edition has already been submitted to the library of the university and can be used by our students. In the near future, "Veterinary Pharmacology" will appear on the shelves of the library in printed form.

The textbook is written in accordance with the program of the discipline "Veterinary pharmacology". It contains an introductory part that requires a preface, a task, and a brief historical reference to the subject. The main content of the textbook consists of two parts - general and special pharmacology. Compared to the previous edition in 1995, this material has been completely updated. It clearly sets out the issues of pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics, as well as introduces new sections (homeopathy, radioprotective drugs, antiviral drugs, polyphytes, phytomines, etc.).

I. Derkach

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