Офіційний лист про прийняття ННІ ЛіСПГ до Міжнародної Спілки студентів лісівників - IFSA!

14 березня 2011 року

Dear Kiev Forestry Students’ Association,

On behalf of the IFSA Council and whole IFSA 7 I would like to welcome you to the IFSA family! The council has processed and approved your application and we are very happy to welcome KFSA, as our newest member to the International Forestry Students' Association.

This mail is an unofficial welcome letter. We prepared a small welcome package, including the official welcome letter and other relevant documents, and sent it to you from our secretariat in Freiburg, Germany via postal service (which this time will hopefully make it to the Ukraine). Nevertheless I added at least the official welcome letter as a digital version to this mail.

Your direct contact in IFSA will be the Northern European Regional Representative – Aino Virtanen, Finland ([email protected]). Your Regional Representative will be your main contact within IFSA. Please feel free to contact your Regional Representative whenever needed. We also recommend to subscribe to our mailing list (www.ifsa.net/showpage.php?page=mailinglist) to receive all news by email and frequently visit our web page (www.ifsa.net), to keep yourself updated about IFSA news and events.

Once again, a heartily welcome to IFSA. I am looking forward to see some of your members at our meetings. If you ever have any question, feel free to contact either Aino or me.

Best Regards
Martin Kong
International Forestry Students' Association
Council 2010-2011

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