Following the example of compatriots, continuing vocational work of accounting and taxation

24 березня 2017 року

With generation to generation the citizens of Borznyanschyny give knowledge at our University. This region is rich in talents. Borznyantsi with proud to remember his famous compatriots, writer and public figure - Panteleimon Kulish, his wife - writer Anna Barvinok, romantic poet Victor Zabila national painter Oleksandr Sayenko, the speaker of Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine- Ivan Plyushch (incidentally, a graduate of the our University) and many others.

Thus no coincidence that the assistant professor department of accounting and taxation Volodymyr Lytvynenko also decided to visit Borzna , Chernihiv region. That the Borzna talented young people for get a good education is chose National University of Life and Environmental Sciences.
In Borznyansky secondary school named Christina Alchevska he had met with high school students, introduced them with the to specialties of preparation university learning opportunities for government contracts, following the practice abroad and other conditions for professional and creative development.
Volodymyr talked with students and Gymnasium of Panteleimon Kulish and students Borznyanskiy agricultural college and invited students of specialty "Accounting and Taxation" to continue their studies to NUBiP. Graduates of the college have successfully learn in our university and college professor of accounting subjects Shybika Tatiana - a graduate of the Faculty of Economics our university.
Meetings with students and students seemed warm, pleasant and positive. We hope that talented young people will continue to follow the example of their countrymen - will enter into NUBiP and reaches heights in education, career and political life.
Volodymyr Lytvynenko presented the students own book, while the head of the school library Olga Kayrod presented the collection of his own poems "Melody the soul." A baton "Visit the schools - Give the book!" accepted from Aleksey Muravskyi he gives it over senior lecturer and professor Oleg Kryvorot and professor Tatiana Balanovska.

Lyudmila Melyankova,
assistant professor of Departament “Accounting and Taxation”

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