Scientific-methodical seminar reinforces cooperation

29 березня 2017, 10:48

On March 29, 2017, scientific-methodical seminar "Different Approaches in Modern English Teaching" was held at the chair of English for technical and agrobiological specialties. To participate in the event, invited were teachers of English of secondary schools, lyceums and gymnasia with profound study of foreign languages. The purpose of this meeting was not only to increase scientific and methodological level of teachers and to exchange the ideas on the latest approaches in English language teaching, but also to expand "school-university cooperation" and to create of a team of like-minded people, who would work together to establish continuity between schools and institutions of higher education. With this purpose, senior lecturer Oksana Ponomarenko prezented National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, and introduced the guests to the structure of the faculty of Humanities and basic aspects of its activities, areas of professional training, programs for international partnerships at the faculty as well.

Olena Khorosh, methodologist, official representative of "EXPRESS PUBLISHING" presented various methods and techniques of teaching English grammar, proving their effectiveness practicaly: all the participants tried themselves in the role of both students and teachers, noting the benefits of a technology. The other participants of the seminar dealt with such topical issues of teaching of English language as ways of increasing motivation for learning, the use of gamified methods in ESL and different methods of evaluation in the system of student-centered learning.

Scientific-methodological seminar was held in a friendly atmosphere of cooperation and creative interaction. All participants were awarded certificates and career-oriented materials.  We hope for further mutually beneficial cooperation.

Yuliia Demianova,
Natalia Iaremenko,
Oleksandr Polishchuk


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