Department of Administrative Management and Foreign Economic Activity

Адреса: Ukraine, Kyiv, Heroiv Oborony 11, Str. (building No 10, room 302, 303, 305, 310)

Тел.: (044) 527-86-51

Електронна пошта: [email protected]

Head of Department (в.о.):
Olena Kovtun

PhD in Economics, Associate Professor


The Department of Administrative Management and Foreign Economic Activity (previously -  World Agriculture and Foreign Economic Activity) of the Faculty of Agrarian Management was established on April 8, 1992 with the goal of training specialists in foreign economic activity for the agricultural sector of Ukraine's economy. According to the Order of the Rector № 46 from January 20, 2014 - the Department of Administrative Management and Foreign Economic Activity.

The founder of the Department and its head from 1992 to 2006 and from September 2011 to June 2019 was Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Honored Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine Valeriy Galushko.

From 2006 to June 2011, the duties of the head of the department were fulfilled by Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor Larisa Dibrova.

From August 2019 to September 2021 the department has been headed by Doctor of Economics, Professor Tetiana Mostenska.

From November 2021 to June 2023, the department has been headed by Doctor of Economics, Professor Vitaliy Lutsiak.

Since July 2023 the department has been headed by Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor Olena Kovtun.

The main goal of the department is to prepare highly qualified competitive managers of foreign economic activity of enterprises and managers in administrative activities for the agro-food sector of Ukraine.

The main tasks of the department:
· Realization of preparation of students of the Bachelor of Science in specialty 073 "Management";
· Preparation of students of the Master's program of the specialty 073 "Management" of the educational programs "FEA Management" and "Administrative Management" (specializations "Administrative Management", "Applied Agricultural Management", "Management of Health Care Institutions");
· Organization of educational, scientific, methodological and cultural work with
· Preparing students for participation in the All-Ukrainian Student Olympiads, students;
Organization of work of scientific student circles, scientific conferences, round tables of other scientific events;
Providing students with dual degree programs with the University of Weinstefan (Germany) and the Slovak Agrarian University in Nitra;

Assistance in organizing overseas industrial training and internships under the MBA Study Week program




Всі новини

30 листопада 2023

UniGreen hosts a delegation from Ukraine

11 вересня 2023
Department of Administrative Management and Foreign Economic Activity

Results of a scientific internship at the Warsaw University of Life Sciences.

2 вересня 2021
Department of Administrative Management and Foreign Economic Activity

1st year students, of english-speaking group of the Faculty of Agrarian Management visited the Botanical Garden of NULES of Ukraine

29 червня 2021
Department of Administrative Management and Foreign Economic Activity

Successful completion of the discipline «International Project Management» by foreign students majoring in «FEA Management»

24 червня 2021
Department of Administrative Management and Foreign Economic Activity

Completion of the discipline «Team Building and Personnel Management» by foreign students majoring in «FEA Management»

3 березня 2021
Department of Administrative Management and Foreign Economic Activity

International summer bachelor programme in Germany (online)

2 грудня 2019
Department of Administrative Management and Foreign Economic Activity

Agrokebety students attended a lecture of Director of IAMO, Prof. Dr. Alfons Balmann (Germany)

8 жовтня 2019
Department of Administrative Management and Foreign Economic Activity


18 квітня 2018
Department of Administrative Management and Foreign Economic Activity

The Department of Administrative Management and Foreign Economic Activity took part in the conference "Economic Future of Ukraine"

8 березня 2018
Department of Administrative Management and Foreign Economic Activity

Congratulations on the wonderful spring holiday - March 8!

1 березня 2018
Department of Administrative Management and Foreign Economic Activity

An open lecture of the associate professor of the department, Krop Pavlo Borisovich, was held

14 лютого 2018
Department of Administrative Management and Foreign Economic Activity

Meeting of the department

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