Master's program "Administrative Management" of the Faculty of Agricultural Management received an extension of the international accreditation ACQUIN

1 грудня 2021 року
Department of Administrative Management and Foreign Economic Activity

 In the conditions of Ukraine's integration into the world educational space, university provide high-quality services in the field of higher education that meet world standards. In 2016, the master's educational program "Administrative Management" (MBA-agr.) Of the Faculty of Agricultural Management NULES of Ukraine was accredited by the European accreditation agency Accreditation, Certification and Quality Assurance Institute - ACQUIN (Germany). The purpose of international accreditation is to confirm the full compliance of the content and quality of the educational process in NULES with European educational standards. For almost 20 years of joint work with the University of Applied Sciences Weinstefan-Trizdorf (Germany), the master's program "Administrative Management" of NULES of Ukraine, which has been operating since 2002 at the Faculty of Agricultural Management, has graduated more than 500 specialists in Ukraine. studying in Ukraine and Germany according to agreed identical curricula. And today we received very good news - about the extension of international accreditation until 2023 to 10 foreign universities, including NULES of Ukraine. The next step is the next international accreditation planned for 2023 until 2030. Congratulations to NULES of Ukraine and we invite you to study for a master's degree in the program "Administrative Management" at the Faculty of Agricultural Management !

N. Kovalenko


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