New series of teacher trainings from Seneca Ryan in America House

27 вересня 2016 року
America House Kuiv

To maximize interaction among teachers America House has organized a series of teacher trainings which have been conducted by the experienced and charming trainer - Seneca Ryan. It's not only useful methodological information, but also it's a place of collaboration and peer communication of all visitors. These seminars also provide learning support content for teachers so that they can teach their students with the use of new approaches, methods and exercises given during trainings.
Today was "Teacher training: working on Pronunciation in the EFL Classroom" . Teaching pronunciation easily and with fun was discussed during training with presentation made by Seneca with many exercises and examples of different stresses with different meanings.
At the end there was a lottery, and Oksana Ivanova became a happy winner of a very useful teacher's book "Teaching Jazz Chants to Young Learners" as a participant of the training.
It was really great and pleasant

The next event was movie "Elections" which was also worthwhile and pleasant to visit and watch in a good company of English language lovers
Oksana Ivanova

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