Department of Geoinformatics and Aerospace Research of the Earth

Department Units

The department has an educational laboratory of geo-information technologies (rooms 102, 103, 120, building 6) and an educational-scientific-production laboratory of geo-information technologies and remote sensing (room 204, building 6).
 Educational laboratory of geoinformation technologies
In the educational laboratory, laboratory and practical classes for students are held for students of OS Bachelor and OS Master in specialties: 193 Geodesy, cartography and land management , 122 Computer science (OP Computer ecological and economic monitoring); 201 Agronomy (OPP Agrochemical Service in precision agricultural production), 205 Forestry.
Teaching is conducted in Ukrainian and English.
The main functions of the educational laboratory :
  •  conducting laboratory and practical classes in accordance with current curricula and the schedule of the educational process;
  • improvement of the quality of the educational process and active implementation of geo-information technologies and modern methods of remote sensing of the Earth in the educational, research and production process;
  • creation of appropriate working conditions for all participants of the educational process in accordance with the requirements of current legislation;
The educational laboratory has workplaces for performing laboratory work and independent work, which are equipped with modern equipment and meet the requirements of occupational safety.
On the basis of the laboratory, educational practice is conducted in the disciplines "Geoinformatics, informatics and programming", "Geoinformation technologies" for students of the specialty 193 Geodesy and land management.
The department conducts classes with students of the 10th grade of the Lyceum of Information Technologies on the discipline "Space technologies in nature management".  
Laboratory workers take an active part in educational work with students.
Modern software is used in the educational process: a set of geo-information software products ArcGIS, IDRISI TerrSet and Selva, software package for statistical analysis Statistica, Erdas Imagine, Borland СBuilder development environment, Argo UML information modeling tool.
The laboratory is equipped with methodical and reference literature for performing laboratory and practical work, independent tasks. 
Head of the educational and scientific laboratory: Frolova Olga Mykolaivna.
Educational-scientific-production laboratory of geoinformation technologies and remote sensing
The purpose of the laboratory is to unite the efforts of scientific and pedagogical and scientific workers of the department, scientific and technical staff, doctoral students, graduate students, students for the transfer of scientific developments from the priority directions of geoinformatics and remote sensing of the Earth to agricultural production, various types of activities in the field of land management, nature management ; carrying out joint research and production activities together with agricultural enterprises; using the laboratory's capabilities to improve the level of practical training of students and improve the qualifications of scientific and pedagogical workers in the use of geospatial data; improvement of training of specialists in geodesy and land management, agronomy, forestry, computer science. 
The main areas of activity of NNVL are the implementation of scientific developments and advanced achievements of scientific and technical progress in the field of GIS technologies, geoinformation analysis and modeling, methods of remote sensing of the Earth in agricultural production, various types of activities in the field of land management and nature management; provision of scientific consulting, advisory and other services.
The laboratory provides:
  • conducting scientific research on aerospace monitoring of agricultural resources; geo-informational modeling of the state of agricultural systems;
  • development of geospatial data bases for the purpose of assessment and monitoring of the natural environment;
  • provision of proposals for the preparation of regulatory documents and state standards for the use of computer and GIS technologies in the agricultural sector;
  • development and scientific support of complex managed agricultural technologies, their transfer to agro-industrial production;
  • carrying out, together with enterprises of various forms of ownership, joint research and production activities on monitoring of agricultural resources and land resources, optimization of nature use and other activities types.
The laboratory conducts educational and educational-advisory courses :
  • Specialized course on the use of geospatial technologies in agronomy, agrochemical service and precision agricultural production;
  • Course on geoinformation technologies, remote sensing of the Earth and geospatial data processing technologies;
  • Course on advanced study of specialized software.
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