Запрошуємо НПП механіко-технологічного факультету до публікації в міжнародному виданні IJAAR

26 лютого 2016 року

 Dear Colleges,


International Journal of Advance Agricultural Research (IJAAR) with Impact Factor: 0.412 and indexed in CABI-ISI, Agricultural Engineering Abstracts, Forest Science Database, Animal Production Database and Google Scholar is currently accepting manuscripts for publication. IJAAR welcomes submissions of articles which are to be considered for publication; such as Communications, Reports of preliminary research findings that justify urgent publication, Full length research articles, Review articles in all areas of agricultural research including Critical reviews, Mini reviews and Tutorial reviews. IJAAR publishes high-quality solicited and unsolicited articles, in English with a broad scope which include but is not limited to the following areas of specialty: 

Agricultural Economics And Agribusiness, Agricultural Engineering, Agricultural Genomics, Agronomy, Animal Science, Aquaculture, Arid Soil Research, Biological Control of Rot-inducing Fungi, Crop Science, Dairy Science, Entomology, Fertilizer Applications and Influences, Fish and Fisheries, Food Safety, Food Technology, Forestry, Freshwater Science, Genetic Variability Studies, Horticulture, Impact Monitoring And Evaluation System, In Vitro and In Vivo Responses of Treatment Agents Against Wilt Disease, Irrigation and Effects, Irrigation, Metals in Biosolids-Amended Soils, Molecular Gastronomy, Pesticide Science, Physiology and Morphology, Post Harvest Biology and Technology, Post Harvest Losses, Poultry Science, Processing Technology, Programming, Efficiency And Management of Farms, Review of Agriculture Practices, Seed Borne Pathogens, Seed Science Research, Sensory Analysis, Soil Science, Stored Products Research, Systematic Biology, Veterinary, Virology, Viticulture, Water Resources Management, Water Use Efficiency, Weed Biology, etc. 

If this invitation did not include your field of study, please visit our website atwww.bluepenjournals.org/journals to see our other journals that covers your field of study.

IJAAR is fully committed to providing free access to all articles as soon as they are published.

Instruction for Authors and other details are available on our website www.bluepenjournals.org/ijaar. Prospective authors should send their manuscript(s) to [email protected] or[email protected]

Best regards,

Ivan Rogovskii


Регіональні навчальні заклади (синій)Захисти дисертаційНабір на навчання (синій)_2015

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