Yulia Paramonova - participant of the International Conference on Veterinary Dermatology

11 березня 2025 року

Paramonova Yulia, Doctor of Philosophy, Assistant Professor of the Department of Veterinary Surgery named after Acad. I.O. Povazhenko of NULES of Ukraine, took part in the XIX International Conference on Veterinary Dermatology, dedicated to the latest methods and international exchange of experience in the treatment of animals with skin diseases (XIX Warsztaty Sekcji Dermatologii PSLWMZ), organized by the Polish Association of Small Animal Veterinarians (PSLWMZ). The event was held on March 8-9, 2025 in the city of Ustron, Poland, and brought together leading specialists in the field of veterinary dermatology from different countries. The conference was also attended by veterinarians from different regions of Ukraine, which was an excellent opportunity for joint learning and exchange of experience.

The event program included reports from leading European experts in the field of diagnostics and treatment of dermatological diseases of small animals. For Ukrainian veterinarians, participation in such international events is extremely important, as it promotes the exchange of experience, familiarization with the latest achievements in the field of veterinary medicine and the introduction of advanced techniques into domestic practice. The knowledge gained will improve the quality of diagnostics and treatment of animals in Ukraine.
We express our sincere gratitude to the Polish Association of Small Animal Veterinarians (PSLWMZ) for their hospitality, solidarity and support of Ukrainian veterinarians! We also thank the Ukrainian Small Animal Veterinary Association (USAVA) for the unique opportunity to participate in this international event, which contributes to the development of veterinary medicine in Ukraine.

Yulia Paramonova

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