Associate Professor Vadym Klymchuk gave an open lecture on the subject "Diseases of Dogs and Cats"

6 березня 2025 року

On March 6, 2025, Associate Professor of the Department of Veterinary Surgery named after Acad. I.O. Povazhenko, Candidate of Veterinary Sciences Klymchuk Vadym gave an open lecture on the elective discipline "Diseases of Dogs and Cats" for 5th-year students of the Master's degree program of specialty 211 "Veterinary Medicine" on the topic: "Emergencies in Operative Surgery and Traumatology."

The lecturer covered in detail the basics of emergency care for animals, the technique and indications for performing emergency surgical procedures. The principles and modern approaches to cardiopulmonary resuscitation were also considered.
The presentation was rich in drawings, diagrams and tables, which facilitated the perception of the presented material. Individual elements of the material presented in the lecture were accompanied by visualization using videos. When presenting the lecture information, Vadym Klymchuk provided a logical connection between the lecture topic and the previous educational material, emphasizing its practical value for the daily work of a veterinary doctor. The material was systematic and orderly.
In addition to students, the lecture was attended by teachers of the department, representatives of the dean's office and Natalia Boyko, who is responsible for organizing open lectures on behalf of the faculty. Those present noted that the lecture was delivered at a high scientific and educational-methodological level.

Professor Mykola Malyuk, Head of the Department

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