Master's degree programme "Agrochemical Service in Precision Agriculture" graduates: a new era of precision agriculture professionals

20 грудня 2024 року

  A significant event took place at the Department of Agrochemistry - the graduation of masters of the educational and professional programme "Agrochemical Service in Precision Agricultural Production". This graduation was special because the programme is focused on training highly qualified specialists of a new generation capable of implementing precision farming technologies and innovative approaches in agrochemical service.

  Over the course of a year and a half of study, the masters mastered advanced precision farming technologies, learned modern methods of soil diagnostics and monitoring, and mastered digital tools for optimising plant nutrition systems. The programme paid particular attention to the practical application of precision farming technologies, work with GPS systems and the use of drones to monitor crops.
The graduates' master's theses were highly innovative and practical. The works covered a wide range of topical areas: from the development of differentiated fertiliser application systems to the creation of digital soil fertility maps and the introduction of variable rate technologies for agrochemicals.

   The head of the department emphasised: "Our educational and professional programme 'Agrochemical Service in Precision Agricultural Production' is a response to the challenges of modern agribusiness. Our graduates are not just agrochemists, but specialists who have a comprehensive understanding of precision farming and are able to implement the most advanced technologies in production."

  The programme is characterised by close cooperation with leading agricultural holdings and manufacturers of precision farming equipment, which allows students to gain practical experience with the most advanced technologies while studying. Most of the graduates have already received job offers from companies specialising in the implementation of precision farming technologies.

   The Agrochemical Service in Precision Agriculture programme continues to evolve, constantly updating its content in line with the latest global trends in precision agriculture and agrochemical service. This ensures that each graduate receives the most up-to-date knowledge and skills necessary for successful professional activities.

We congratulate the masters on the successful completion of their studies and wish them successful implementation of the acquired knowledge in the development of precision agricultural production in Ukraine!

Ihor Bordiuzha
Assistant of the Department of Agrochemistry and Quality
of crop production named after A.I. Dushechkin


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