Professional development of academic staff in the context of climate change

24 червня 2024 року


On 18-20 June 2024, Larysa Semenko and Olena Litvinova, associate professors of the Dushechkin Department of Agrochemistry and Quality of Crop Production, attended advanced training courses for scientists of the institutions of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine and higher education institutions of agricultural profile at the Institute of Climate-Smart Agriculture of NAAS in the following area: Scientific support of irrigated agriculture in the context of climate change.



Where leading scientists of the institution gave a course of lectures and presented modern features of breeding research and innovative developments. The participants listened to scientific reports by Liudmyla Granovska on "Restoration of irrigation as a condition for food security" and Serhii Zaits on "Oriented crop cultivation technologies". Nadiia Kosenko "Adaptive breeding of vegetable plant species in the context of climate change", etc.


Ihor Bordyuzha, assistant of the Dushechkin Department of Agrochemistry and Quality of Crop Production


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