Completion of a series of autumn educational events within the framework of Erasmus+ Project - Jean Monnet Module “EU Practices of Social and Economic Inclusion”

28 жовтня 2024 року

Full-fledged and balanced development of Ukraine is impossible without studying the experience of developed countries. In the context of our country’s European integration path, it is important for us to study EU practices and policies in terms of building an inclusive economy and society. An economy that is sustainable, focused on different groups and strata of the population, takes into account the interests of society to the maximum possible extent and is aimed at balanced development. An inclusive society implies building an environment that is focused on the full inclusion of all its members, especially vulnerable groups, including pensioners, young people, migrants, people with disabilities, people who are at risk of poverty or social exclusion, etc.

To the study of such experience and the implementation of best practices contributes to the project of the European Union Erasmus+ Programme, the Jean Monnet Module ‘Practices of socio-economic inclusion in the EU’ (Jean Monnet Module 101127466 - EPSEI - ERASMUS-JMO-2023-HEI-TCH-RSCH). The coordinator of this project is Lidiia Shynkaruk, Professor, Doctor of Economics, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Professor of the Department of Production and Investment Management of NULES of Ukraine. Professor Shynkaruk, together with the project team, led a series of educational events in September-October 2024.

Thus, on September 13-18, 2024, the seminar “EU Practices of Inclusive Economy” was held, which was conducted by the project coordinator Lidiia Shynkaruk. This seminar has a practical orientation and provides an opportunity for all participants to acquire the knowledge and skills necessary for the successful implementation of projects, to understand Ukraine's path of adapting domestic legislation to EU legislation and the need to implement the experience of socio-economic inclusion of EU development programs and strategies in Ukraine.



The series of educational events continued on October 19 and 24, 2024, when an intensive online course “EU Principles of Diversity and Inclusion for Sustainable Development” was held. It was taught by project member, Professor, Doctor of Economics, Professor of the Department of Production and Investment Management of NULES of Ukraine Emiliia Prushkivska. During the online meetings, the participants got acquainted with the main principles and practices implemented in the European Union to ensure sustainable development and to form an understanding of the importance of inclusiveness and diversity in providing sustainable development, as well as to equio with tools for their implementation in practice.




The final meeting of educational events took place on October 26, 2024 in the format of a presentation of the distance learning course “EU Social Policy in the Focus of Inclusion”. It was conducted by a project member, Professor, Doctor of Economics, Professor of the Department of Production and Investment Management of the NULES of Ukraine, Maryna Dielini. This course reveals important aspects of the European Union’s implementation of proactive social policy, which is aimed at overcoming the problems that are developing in society, as well as the active involvement of different groups of people, maximum inclusion of vulnerable members of society, as well as the prevention of social exclusion.



The educational events brought together more than 130 participants from all over Ukraine, including representatives of the academic community, bachelor’s and master’s students, third-level students, civil society activists and other stakeholders.

Presentation and training materials for all three courses are presented in Google Classroom, which helped to engage people in the project's topics and make the courses more comfortable to master.


The held meetings inspire new achievements and activities, to which we invite everyone! In the following spring, we will meet again at the spring cycle of educational events! We are waiting for you!




For more information on the Project, please, click here:

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Facebook page:
Telegram channel:

Jean Monnet Module
“EU Practices of Social and Economic Inclusion”
Project Working Group

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