Oleksandr Soshenskyi Visited Oregon State University to Strengthen International Collaboration as Part of the BridgeUSA-UA Fellowships Program

18 жовтня 2024 року
Oregon State University, USA

     As part of the BridgeUSA Ukrainian Academic Fellows Program, Dr. Oleksandr Soshenskyi, an Associate Professor from the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine (NUBiP), recently visited Oregon State University's College of Forestry. The BridgeUSA program, sponsored by the U.S. Department of State's Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA) and funded by Oregon State University, aims to develop lasting connections between Ukrainian and U.S. academics to strengthen Ukraine's capacity in fields essential for its future rebuilding, including forestry.

     During month-long stay, O. Soshenskyi, along with his colleague I. Neyko from Vinnytsia National Agrarian University, participated in a comprehensive program organized by OSU faculty members Drs. Glenn Howe and John Bailey. The visit included meetings with College of Forestry administration, international programs staff, and various faculty members, as well as attendance at lectures, field labs, and visits to experimental forests and research sites.

     The visit of Ukrainian scientists Dr. O. Soshenskyi and Dr. I. Neyko significantly contributes to strengthening Ukraine’s academic and research capacities during wartime and the post-war period.. Such cooperation aligns with OSU's commitment to global engagement and addressing critical challenges in forestry and environmental sciences.

     During their visit, the Ukrainian scholars shared their experiences and perspectives on forestry practices in Ukraine, enriching the learning environment for OSU students and faculty. They also presented two seminars: “Ukraine in Wartime: forests and forestry science“ and “Digital Tools for Data Collection, Silviculture Sharing, and Remote Learning in Forestry“.

     During the visit, there was a meeting with Thomas H. DeLuca, Dean of the College of Forestry (CoF) at Oregon State University (OSU). During meeting were discussed Features of studying at OSU, Forestry Degree Programs, including Undergraduate and Graduate Programs, International activities of the CoF, Organization of scientific research. The CoF welcomes visitors from all countries and nationalities, across fields within the broad spectrum of forestry. The CoF at OSU focuses on international partnerships between institutions, researchers and students. Research work in CoF is carried out by faculty, staff and students in Laboratories, Public and private lands, 15,000 acres of College Research Forest.

     The dean was also presented with Ukrainian experience and directions of scientific research in the field of forestry, current and prospective areas of scientific research in Ukraine, and features of student education under war conditions. Also was presented the results of the Forum on “Ukraine Forest Science and Education: Needs and Priorities for Collaboration“ which was held from 21-22 November 2023 at the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) in Laxenburg, Austria were also presented, where decisions necessary for coordinated and effective international actions aimed at meeting Ukraine's needs and priorities in forest research and education were formed.

     The stay at the College of Forestry at Oregon State University was full of numerous important and fruitful meetings with scientists and university staff: Glenn Howe, Associate Professor, Director, Pacific Northwest Tree Improvement Research Cooperative; John Bailey, Professor of Forest Engineering, Resources & Management, Forest Ecosystems & Society; Steven Strauss, University Distinguished Professor of Forest Biotechnology; David Bernell, Associate Professor of College of Liberal Arts, School of Public Policy, Political Science; Klaus Puettmann, Professor of Forest Ecosystems & Society Department; Jacob Bukoski, Assistant Professor and Director of the Forests and Climate Change graduate certificate of Forest Ecosystems & Society; Matthew Gregory, Senior Faculty Research Assistant of Forest Ecosystems & Society; Meg Krawchuk, Associate Professor, Department of Forest Ecosystems & Society; Mark Swanson, Associate Professor of Family Forestry and Starker Chair of Outreach and Engagement Forest Engineering, Resources & Management Department; Woodam Chung, Stewart Professor of Forest Operations of Forest Engineering, Resources & Management Department; Julianna Betjemann, Global Affairs Associate in the Office of Faculty Affairs; Rachael Fahrenbach, International Programs Assistant Director; Rabeb Zghal, Adminstrative Program Assistant in International Programs of CoF. 


    Ukrainian scholars also met with scientists and practitioners from other OSU partner organizations: Beth Roskilly and Rich Cronn, US Forest Service Pacific Northwest Research Station; Stephen Coskey from Starker Forests Inc.; Hopkins Demonstration ForestSara Lipow from Lebanon Forest Regeneration Center; Harold Zald, US Forest Service Pacific Northwest Research Station.


     Numerous OSU partner organizations and related sites were visited – US Forest Service Pacific Northwest Research Station, Dorena Genetic Resource Center, Lebanon Forest Regeneration Center, Seed Source Movement Trial of USFS Pacific Northwest Research Station, B & B Complex Fire, Starker Forests Inc, Cascade Mountains in Oregon, Hopkins Demonstration Forest operated by Forests Forever.

     The BridgeUSA Ukrainian Academic Fellows Program plays an invaluable role in developing international cooperation and strengthening Ukraine's scientific potential in the field of forestry. The month-long visit of Dr. Oleksandr Soshenskyi and Dr. Ihor Neyko to OSU's College of Forestry has laid the foundation for long-term international collaboration in the field of forestry research and education. The exchange of knowledge and best practices is expected to significantly contribute to the development of forestry practices and education in Ukraine, further strengthening the ties between the two countries.

 Department of International Relations
of the Institute of Forestry and Landscape-Park Management

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