4 жовтня 2024 року

   On 27 September, an expert from the rinarian European Association of Veterinary Education Institutions and a practicing vete Christophe Buhot met with representatives of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. This meeting was made possible thanks to the support of the University administration and the European project “Improvement of legislation, food safety control, animal health and welfare in Ukraine”.

   At the beginning of the meeting, Christophe Buhot introduced the new head of the European project in Ukraine, Mr. Tony Wheale, and the Dean of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Mykola Tsvilikhovskiy congratulated the new head and presented the results achieved by the faculty for more than a year of fruitful cooperation with the project.
   At the next stage of the meeting, Christophe Buhot, an expert from the European Association of Veterinary Education Institutions, commented on the SWOT analysis, made his proposals, which were supported by the meeting participants and emphasize the need to better describe the strengths of the faculty and take into account the new opportunities that will open up for the faculty once it receives European accreditation and, accordingly, European recognition.
At the next stage, the participants discussed the necessary changes to be made to create a strategic plan from the documents available at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, which are developed annually in the context of the university development strategy “Holosiivska Initiative - 2025”.

   The last issue on the agenda was one of the sections of the self-assessment report, namely the assessment of the financial capacity of the faculty. The participants of the event discussed the specifics of financing different faculties of veterinary medicine in Europe and encouraging researchers involved in the work of clinics of different faculties and veterinary schools.
   At the end of the meeting, the new head of the European project in Ukraine expressed his full satisfaction with the meeting, the level of discussion, and the speed of transformation taking place at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine in the context of preparation for European accreditation. The next meeting is scheduled for the second half of October and will address other issues of the self-assessment report and preparation for the expert visit.

Dean of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
Mykola Tsvilikhovskiy
Coordinator of International Programmes
of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
Maryna Galat

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