Ceremonial initiation into first-year students of the 7th group of the 1st year

4 вересня 2024, 0:00

 Admission to a higher education institution is a new life stage for every school graduate. Studentship is the most memorable stage in life, which opens up new opportunities and perspectives, interests and acquaintances for young people. Being a student is a responsible step, because studying at NUBiP of Ukraine requires from students hard and painstaking work, constructive and balanced decisions, readiness to move forward and confidence in achieving the goal.

Parents who are proud of their children were present at the solemn dedication of freshmen to students of the National University of Bioresources and Nature Management of Ukraine, accompanying and supporting them, inspiring them to new achievements.

The full emotional explosion was felt by the students from the first touch of the desired identity card - the student card, because it is equivalent to a second passport, which symbolizes joining a significant social chain.


I congratulate the students of the 7th group on the beginning of an exciting student life, I wish them success in their studies, health, reliable and faithful friends, inspiration, achievement of new heights, so that all plans and dreams come true!


Curator of the 7th group of the 1st course
Associate Professor of the Department of Biochemistry named after Acad. M.F. Gulogo

Olga Tupytska


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