Industrial practice for the applicants of the second (master's) level of higher education in the specialty 073 "Management" of the educational and professional program "Management of Organizations and Administration" has begun

3 вересня 2024 року

In order to ensure an effective practical component in accordance with the working curriculum and the rector's orders "On the organization of practical training of students in the first semester of the 2024/2025 academic year" № 803 dated 07/10/2024, "On referral to industrial practice" dated 08/26/2024 № 1308 "C", on August 26, 2024, applicants of the second (master's) level of higher education in the second year of training in the specialty 073 "Management" of the educational and professional program "Management of Organizations and Administration" began their practical training.
The purpose of industrial practice is to master by the future management specialists the modern management methods, forms of organization in the field of their future profession, to develop in them, on the basis of the knowledge obtained at the institution of higher education, professional skills and abilities of information-analytical, communicative, project-research, diagnostic, innovative activity to solve applied problems of managing business structures, improving the system of managing their activities in modern business conditions; formation and implementation of the developed recommendations and proposals in the practical activities of the enterprise; awareness of the need for self-development, systematic updating of one's knowledge and creative application of it in practical activities.
After conducting a detailed briefing on safety techniques and providing advice by the heads of the practice on issues of organization and conducting industrial practice, the applicants of higher education arrived at the enterprise for the practice.


So, in particular, the applicants of higher education Anastasiia Dubovska and Krystyna Koliada are undergoing practical training in one of the largest Ukrainian online stores and marketplaces, LLC "ROZETKA". As part of production practice, students’ study and analyze the company's management processes, in particular, personnel management, logistics, as well as research on the company's development strategy. This gives them the opportunity to gain practical skills and a deeper understanding of the specifics of working in online retail.

Serhii Kabanets is undergoing practical training at the PE "SCIENTIFIC AND PRODUCTION ASSOCIATION "AGROBIOINOVATIKA"", which is engaged in the production of fertilizers and other nitrogenous compounds. The enterprise applies leading forms and methods of management and organization of production, planning and economic work, logistics and marketing activities, accounting, implements progressive technologies of production, labor organization and management. The applicant of higher education shared his impressions and noted that during the practical training he studies and analyzes the management processes of the enterprise, such as management of economic activities, production processes, marketing activities, etc.
We wish the applicants of the second (master's) level of higher education in the specialty 073 "Management" of the educational and professional program "Management of Organizations and Administration" successful completion of industrial practice, acquisition of new skills and abilities, as well as successful writing and defense of the practice report. 

Oksana Havrysh, Mariana Aksentiuk
Associate professors of the Department of Management named after Professor J. S. Zavadskyi

Regional Educational Institutions (синій)Press-centreTo Applicants (синій)

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