Summer fieldwork of the departments

17 червня 2024 року
   Agrochemical summer is inextricably linked to the field, because for the vast majority of workers, warm weather is associated with rest, and for plants, it is a period of active vegetation. And the department's scientists go out into the fields to carry out summer fertilisation, take plant and soil samples, set up experiments with graduate students, and also do routine crop care work. The department has been running the 10-type inpatient facility since 1958, and today there are only a few of them left in Ukraine. This unique research area is maintained by the department's staff on their own.

Professor Dmytro Litvinov, associate professors Oleh Hryshchenko, Natalia Pasichnyk, Olena Litvinova, Larysa Semenko, and assistant professor Ihor Bordiuzha update the layout of the experimental fields and weed the weedy areas

   Research in agrophytocenoses of potatoes, wheat, corn and other crops is carried out by bachelor's and master's students. Biotech LTD has become a favourite place for research because the farm has a high level of modern scientific and technical support, precision farming technologies, etc.


Master's students under the supervision of Olena Litvinova and Larisa Semenko selected the test samples and carried out the planned research.


Nataliia Pasichnyk,
Associate Professor of the Department of Agrochemistry and Quality
of Plant Industry Products named after A.I. Dushechkin


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