20 червня 2024 року

   The country's economy is functioning and the agricultural sector is working despite the difficulties of martial law.


   The conference "Fertilisers - New Tomorrow!" brought together Ukrainian fertiliser market participants in Uman. The conference discussed new trends in the fertiliser market, changes in players in the market, major traders, etc. The issues of fertiliser production and imports were discussed. We discussed the production of granular (compacted) and solid fertilisers in Ukraine: ammonium sulphate, compacted NPK, granular potassium chloride, granulated phosphate rock, granular NPK and other multi-component fertilisers. Next, we discussed the challenges of fertiliser logistics during the war. They emphasised the changes in fertiliser inspection during customs clearance.



   Next, they moved on to practical issues related to the provision of crop growing technologies in Ukraine. The National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, in particular the Department of Agrochemistry and Quality of Crop Production, was represented by Associate Professor Nadiya Bordyuzha. She spoke about effective nutrition of industrial crops and new approaches to fertilisation. Rhizosphere management, foliar feeding and multi-depth fertilisation, in addition to plant audits, will raise the level of agricultural production to better performance if modern fertiliser requirements are strictly adhered to.

We thank the organisers for the opportunity to interact with farmers, fertiliser producers, market analysts and other leading experts!
We thank the Armed Forces of Ukraine for the opportunity to live in a free Ukraine!

Ihor Bordiuzha
Assistant of the Department of Agrochemistry and Quality
of crop production named after A.I. Dushechkin


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