Share: March 23, 2024 On March 23, 2024 at the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine were presented distance learning courses within the implementation of the project of the European Union Erasmus+ Program Jean Monnet Module “

23 березня 2024, 10:00

On March 23, 2024 at the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine were presented distance learning courses within the implementation of the project of the European Union Erasmus+ Program Jean Monnet Module “EU Practices of Social and Economic Inclusion”. 


Project Coordinator, Doctor of Economics, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Professor of the Department of Production and Investment Management Lidiia Shynkaruk, with the team of the Project presented 3 distance learning courses, and namely:

1. “EU Practices of Inclusive Projecting”.
2. “EU Social Inclusion Policy”.
3. “EU Studies of Social Innovations”.

The event was attended by more than 120 representatives of students, scholars and staff from the universities of Kyiv, Zaporizhzhia, and Dnipro.


Project coordinator, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Lidiia Shynkaruk expressed her gratitude for such activity and interest in the course and presented the goals and objectives of the courses, their structure, content, teaching methods and evaluation criteria. It was also emphasized that over the past few years, the world has been talking about the need to generate a socially inclusive approach to the development of society and all spheres, including the social and economic components. It is worth mentioning that inclusiveness means that most members of society feel the results of economic growth, the income gap is narrowing, and jobs with decent pay are being created. Particular attention was paid to the necessity of implementation an inclusive approach in the context of russia's war against Ukraine and towards military and their families, the experience of inclusive and social projecting for researchers, scientists, youth, and project opportunities for entrepreneurship.


Professor of the Department of Production and Investment Management Maryna Dielini focused on the overview of the European approach to defining social rights based on 20 key principles that are a beacon leading to a social, fair, inclusive and empowering Europe.

Lidiia Shynkaruk highlighted the practical orientation of the courses, which will help listeners acquire knowledge and skills necessary for the successful implementation of socio-economic inclusion projects and, upon completion of the courses, receive advanced training certificates for participation in training under the EU program.

All participants noted the solidity, professionalism, and practical nature of the materials presented at the first stage of the educational course of the international project “EU Practices of Social and Economic Inclusion”.


For more information on the Project, please, click here:

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