29 лютого 2024 року


Mykhailo, please tell us about yourself.
I, Mykhailo Sydorov, am a resident of Kyiv, and I study at the specialized school No. 181.
Why did you choose to study Veterinary Medicine?
It was my love for animals that helped me make my choice. I have loved animals since childhood. I decided to become a veterinarian because the work of a veterinarian is very interesting, diverse and important, as the life of a living being depends on the doctor. Later, I realized that a profession is chosen for life, and it should be interesting, in demand and useful for the people around you.
Do you realize that you have made a serious choice?
I realize that the profession of a veterinarian is not easy. It requires a lot of knowledge, patience, and an individual approach to each patient. A person who chooses this profession must be kind, sensitive, patient and have great willpower. All these character traits are inherent in me. I am sure I made the right choice.
Mykhailo, why did you choose the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine?
I chose to study at NUBiP of Ukraine because it is a powerful, modern and multidisciplinary higher education institution. Specialists are trained here in bachelor's and master's degree programs.
In addition, I got a pleasant impression after the “Open Day” at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and learned a lot about the faculty and the university.
What are your expectations from studying at the university?
I first heard about the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine from my friends who are already studying here and willingly share their positive feedback. Now my main goal is to study hard, attend sports and cultural events, successfully graduate from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and become a qualified specialist.
Mykhailo, thank you for your kind answers! We wish you every success! We are waiting for you in the ranks of the first-year students of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of NULES of Ukraine!
Olga Tupytska, Associate Professor
of the Department of Biochemistry and Physiology
Регіональні навчальні заклади (синій)Захисти дисертаційНабір на навчання (синій)_2015

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