Motivational lecture for 2nd year agronomists from Yara Ukraine

10 лютого 2024 року

   A new semester begins. Students attend the first classes of their new disciplines. To remind them of the value and prospects of a good specialist in agronomy, an introductory lecture was held for 2nd year students as part of the Agrochemistry course with Oleksandr Kudra, Regional Development Manager at Yara Ukraine.

   To begin with, Oleksandr reminded the students of the macroeconomic situation in Ukraine. He paid special attention to the role of the agricultural sector in shaping our country's economy. After that, he spoke about the main trends in the development of agriculture in Ukraine. The main trends today are saving of agricultural resources, especially fertilisers, as they are very fertile and are the basis for the level of crop yields. Due to the need to save fertilisers, agrochemical service technologies in precision farming are actively developing in Ukraine, with farmers focusing on new types of fertilisers and methods of their application (starter fertilisers, in-furrow technologies, fertigation of field crops, use of drones, etc.)


  Next, Oleksandr presented the leading and well-known agribusiness and agro-consulting companies that will become employers for current students in the future. He recalled his student years and advised to use the time and opportunities of student life effectively to acquire a promising profession. And, of course, to take care of self-development as a person.
   The students showed interest. They asked questions. Oleksandr noted that the questions were quite professional for 2nd year students. And he will reward the most active ones in the classroom..

So, we thank our graduates who have now become successful and are happy to share their experience and advice with the next generations!
We thank the Armed Forces of Ukraine for the opportunity to work in a free Ukraine!

Nadiia Bordiuzha
Associate Professor of the Department of
Agrochemistry and Quality of crop production



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