Student Scientific Club "Management and the Modern Day" welcomes new members

2 жовтня 2023 року

The Student Scientific Club is an organizational structure that unites students with a shared interest in science to promote their development, develop communication and critical thinking skills, and stimulate research potential. Participation in such an organization allows students to expand their knowledge, gain practical research skills, and interact with like-minded people and subject matter experts. Members of the clubs are offered a variety of research projects. They are invited to participate in scientific conferences and seminars, help in writing student research papers or prepare presentations and speeches at competitions.


The primary purpose of the scientific club "Management and the Modern Day" is also to attract students to research activities, participate in scientific and business projects, scientific and practical events and competitions, create conditions for creative growth in the process of learning and mastering the speciality for future professional activity and career growth. One of its co-leaders – Associate Professor of the Department of Production and Investment Management Tetiana Lobunets – reported this to students of the professionally oriented group of the 3rd year of the 4th group of the specialty "Management", presenting the club.


Tatyana Lobunets noted that the activities of the student scientific group "Management and the Modern Day" include the organization of guest lectures and discussion meetings on current scientific topics, holding scientific events and workshops that promote the exchange of knowledge and experience between students, writing scientific publications, etc. Participation in the club will help students develop their analytical, research and communication skills and identify their strengths and interests in a particular scientific or practical field.


The students were introduced to the co-leaders and the head of the club, showed a report on its activities for the 2022-2023 academic year and announced a draft plan for the current year. They also received an invitation to take part in the VII International Scientific and Practical Conference of Students, Postgraduates and Young Scientists, "Inclusive Development of the National Economy: Global Trends, Ukraine's Opportunities and the Role of the Agro-Food Sector", which will be held on November 16-17, 2023 at the Department of Production and Investment Management.

After the presentation of the work of the "Management and the Modern Day" club, students expressed their desire to become its participants, deepen their knowledge, open new horizons and gain experience for their future careers.

Tatiana ARTIUKH,
co-head of the group "Management and the Present",
Associate Professor of the Department of Production and Investment Management

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