Department of Finance

Teaching and methodical activities

At the moment, the Finance Department is represented by 11 teachers among whom there are three professors, seven associate professors, one senior teacher and one assistant.


The Academic Staff of the Finance Department train Bachelors and Masters in “Finance, Banking and Insurance”, “Marketing”, “Administrative management”, “Financial accounting and taxification”.


The main purpose of the Department’s educational activities lies in training and graduating competitive specialists in the sphere of Finance who gain knowledge and skills according to nationwide and international criteria and standards of higher education.


The Academic Staff of the Finance Department teach 18 disciplines, namely: Finance, Business Finance, Local Finance, Budget System, Investment activities, Financing activities of business entities, Financing activities of fisheries, Finance Management, Budget Management, Turnaround Management, Management of Financial and Economic activities, Applied Econometrics, Corporate Management, Business analytics, Investment management, Capital facilities analysis, Business valuation.


The Academic Staff of the Finance Department provide the training process with books, training manuals and methodical recommendations. The Academic Staff published 3 books and 12 training manuals (8 classified publications) in the period 2011-2015:

  • “Finance Management” (by N.M. Davydenko, Doctor of Economic Sciences, professor, 2012);

  • “Budget Management” (by I.M. Tytarchuk, PhD in Economic Sciences, associate professor and Yu.V. Negoda, assistant, 2013);

  • “Finance” (by N.M. Davydenko, Doctor of Economic Sciences, professor and O.Ye. Danylevs’ka – Zhuhunisova, PhD in Economic Sciences, associate professor, 2014);

  • “Budget Management” (by I.M. Tytarchuk, PhD in Economic Sciences, associate professor and Yu.V. Negoda, assistant, 2014);

  • “Budget system” (by I.M. Tytarchuk, PhD in Economic Sciences, associate professor and Yu.V. Negoda, assistant, 2015);

  • “Finance Management” (by I.M. Tytarchuk, PhD in Economic Sciences, associate professor, 2015) etc. 

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