Department of Finance

Адреса: Address: 03041 Kyiv, 11 Heroyiv Oborony Street, Educational building №10, room №501.

Тел.: (044) 527 88 90

Електронна пошта: [email protected]

Head of Department (в.о.):
Оlena O. Lemishko

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Finance


The Finance Department was set up in 1993 to train specialists in “Finance” for agrarian industry. The first head of the department was Petro Trokhymovych Sabluk who was a director of the Institute of land economies, Academician of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine, Hero of Ukraine, Doctor of Economic Sciences, professor, and a prominent scientist in the sphere of land economies, finance and accounting records.


For the time of its work, the Finance Department was headed by:
Dem’yanenko Mykola Yakovych (1994–2000) – an Academician of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine, professor;
Karasyk Ol’ha Mykhaylivna (2000 – 2007) – PhD in Economic Sciences, associate professor;
Martynenko Vasyl’ Petrovych (2007-2012) – Doctor of Economic Sciences, professor;
Khudoliy Lyubov Mykhaylivna (2012 – 2014) – Doctor of Economic Sciences, professor;
Zelisko Inna Mykhaylivna (2014 – 2015) – Doctor of Economic Sciences, professor.
Davydenko Nadiya Mykolayivna (2015 – 2023) Doctor of Economic Sciences, professor. 
At the moment the Finance Department is headed by Lemishko Olena Oleksandrivna, Doctor of Economic Sciences, professor.

The main purpose of the Department’s educational activities lies in training and graduating competitive specialists in the sphere of Finance who gain knowledge and skills according to nationwide and international criteria and standards of higher education.
Although according to the age, the Academic Staff in the Finance Department are rather young (the average age is 40 years old), they are highly experienced. There are two Doctors of Economic Sciences and all others are PhDs in Economic Sciences.


The Finance Department graduates Bachelors in “Finance, Banking and Insurance” and Masters in “Financial Managment of Enterprises” and “Public Finance Management”.

Training packages, sets of tests, e-books, methodical recommendations on writing term, bachelors’ and masters’ theses have been developed and the credit-modular system of students’ performing rating has been successfully implemented by the Academic Staff of the Finance Department.


The Finance Department takes various steps aiming at further improvement of the educatory process, namely:

  • It edits books, training manuals and methodical recommendations for providing practicals, seminars and independent study;

  • It develops teaching materials in Moodle;

  • It encourages the Academic Staff to upgrade their skills;

  • It implements innovative ICTs.


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