Students of the study programme "Agrochemservice in Precision Agricultural Production" got acquainted with the latest achievements of robotics

24 жовтня 2023 року

    The university is an institution of wide opportunities for cooperation and learning - for teachers, researchers and, of course, students. Students of the master's programme "Agrochemical Service in Precision Agricultural Production" are studying new technological and software resources. It is extremely important to learn the methodological foundations of such complex high-tech solutions and, most importantly, to receive information from experts.


    As part of the discipline of information technology in plant nutrition, students visited the Department of Automation and Robotic Systems named after Academician I.I. Martynenko, where experts told and demonstrated how the Internet of Things, Big Data technology, and artificial intelligence work. Associate Professor Taras Lendel introduced us to the Internet of Things technology and robotic developments in detail and in a very accessible way.

    Associate Professor Oleksii Opryshko demonstrated spectral analysis of remote monitoring data and spoke about the technical requirements for computer equipment for such work. Students had the opportunity to work with specialised software products on their own.

    Of course, I was interested in the department's developments for greenhouse complexes, printing, household needs, etc. With the explanations of the experts, you look at new things differently.

 We would like to express our sincere gratitude to the department's specialists and personally to the head, Professor Vitalii Lysenko, for their attention and always open doors for cooperation.
Nataliia Pasichnyk,
Associate Professor of the Department of Agrochemistry and Quality
of crop production named after A.I. Dushechkin


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