Successful social and pedagogical practice of second-year students of the specialty "Social work"

28 червня 2023 року

On June 12-23, second-year students of the specialty "Social work" were gaining practical experience during social and pedagogical practice.

To ensure an effective practical component in the training of future specialists in specialty "Social work" and in accordance with the working curriculum, students independently chose practical bases where it would be comfortable and safe to gain practical experience. We are proud that all second-year students completed full-time internships.



The start of social and pedagogical practice began traditionally with a mandatory safety briefing, which is conducted annually by associate professor of the department of labor protection and biotechnical systems in animal husbandry Tetiana Zubok; an instruction meeting with the head of the practice, where each student received answers to current questions, received tasks, learned the requirements for registration of reports and practice diaries and tuned in to a successful start of practice.


  The current practice bases are also diverse in terms of the direction of their professional activities. Among the selected bases of practices in which students had the opportunity to acquire professional skills, there are schools, gymnasiums, lyceums, preschool institutions, well-known humanitarian and social centers, public organizations, social services (children's health center of sanatorium type "Chaika", Kyiv city Center for social services for families, children and youth, city district organization Charitable foundation "Time for us", Kyiv city center for gender equality, prevention and counteraction to violence, Department of social protection of the population of the Kremenets district state administration and others).




Social and pedagogical practice and its successful protection by students, practical experience gained and a lot of positive impressions, consolidated theoretical knowledge that was acquired at the University – this is the winning finish of the 2nd year of study in the specialty "Social work". 

Karina Vlasenko,
senior lecturer of the department of social work and rehabilitation


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