Practical training completed the cycle of the educational process of Bachelors of philology: impressions from production (translation) practice

22 червня 2023 року


Production translation practice for bachelors of the 4th year of study passed in June 05- 16, 2023, on the translation bases of practice both in Kyiv and in other regions of Ukraine in off- and on-line formats. Industrial practice of this type is a mandatory component of training specialists in the educational program "English and a second foreign language"Production (translation) practice forty-two students of groups  19001b and 19002bwere covered.

    The purpose of production (translation) practice is to provide students with practical knowledge of the specifics of professional activity, mastering the ways of its organization; education of students 'need to systematically update their knowledge and apply it creatively in practical activities; development of students' ability to constantly and in-depth English language training and combination with practical activities of students. The practice systematizes and deepens knowledge about the methodology of training translators; promotes the formation of a personal style of a philologist-translator, an objective assessment of their capabilities, the use of various methods and modern translation technologies, as well as encouraging students-interns to further activity and independence in acquiring professional, design, organizational and cognitive skills.

    All interns followed the rules of life safety. The briefing was conducted by an associate professor of the department of labor protection and biotechnical systems in animal husbandry Zubok T. O. Students wrote confirmation letters about passing the briefing.

    The practice was defended online in June 16 and 19, 2023, accordingly.



Students of groups PhilA-19001b and 19002b completed production (translation) practice on the following main practice bases: "Admiral Prime" ( Khmelnytskyi), "Alpha translation" ( Rivne) and the International translation Center Antey ( Kyiv), with which there are cooperation agreements.

    Students enjoyed the business atmosphere, cooperation schedules, and consultations with practice managers and mentors from translation databases. They noted close cooperation and a good microclimate in working with both employees and managers of practice bases. Bachelor's students worked out the ability to evaluate the results of translation activities and felt responsible for the quality of translations performed. Interns note the serious approach of the head of the practice from the department and the university management.

    However, the joint work of some interns was complicated due to restrictions on close communication in remote mode, which is associated with military operations and being located outside the country. Instruction on labor protection and life safety was conducted at the NULES of Ukraine.

- Anastasia, what impressions did you have from your internship at the Admiral Prime translation agency?

- At the interview, the director of the translation agency Alina Suslina explained to us the specifics of the work, the requirements for translating texts, and guided us on working with certain dictionaries. Success largely depends on the ability to establish the right relationships, accepted recommendations and requirements. This practice revealed to me the importance and seriousness of the translation profession. In my opinion, translating texts of various industries and thematic areas requires full dedication, complete expenditure of mental, physical and spiritual strength. After completing this internship, I strengthened my translation skills, organizing my free time, and communicating with colleagues.

- Yulia, how well is the translation activity organized at the Antey International translation center?
    For two weeks I completed an industrial (translation) internship at the Translation Center headed by Andriy Lipskyi. Personally, my friends and I received positive impressions from communicating with the director, the creative atmosphere, and attention to us. We spent a productive time preparing and checking the completed translation of texts several times. I mostly worked on translating legal tests, in particular agreements and contracts of various types. We have improved our knowledge of translation practice. Students have significantly expanded their terminology and vocabulary in general. I hope that the acquired skills and abilities will be useful to all participants of the educational process in the future.

    Interns prepared informative and informative reports on the internship with slides and videos. The experience gained together with our impressions will expand our knowledge and help us adapt to our future professional activities.


Anastasia Gud, Yuliia Yerkina, 4th year Bachelors,

Maria Lychuk, head of the department of Romance and Germanic languages and translation

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