Humanitarians deepen cooperation with the International Agency for professional qualifications
Integration of the Ukrainian higher education system into the European educational space provides for systematic work in the field of coordination and mutual recognition of learning outcomes, in particular in the field of non-formal and informal education. Since 2019, the National qualifications agency has been operating in Ukraine, which accredits qualification centers where you can confirm professional qualifications obtained in both formal and non-formal education and informal training.
With the support of the rector of the University academician Stanislav Nikolaenko and vice-rector Vasyl Shynkaruk the faculty of humanities and pedagogy has established cooperation with the International agency for professional qualifications. In the structure of this agency there are two centers certified by the National agency of qualifications, in particular: the qualification Center in the field of social work (confirms the professional qualification "Social worker" (2446.2); "Specialist in social work" (2446.2); "Specialist in early intervention" (2446.2) and the qualification Center in the field of psychology (confirms the professional qualification – Practical psychologist (social sphere) (2445.2)).
Within the framework of cooperation with the International agency for professional qualifications the dean of thefacultyofhumanitiesand pedagogy Inna Savytska arranged a meeting with the agency's directorate and research and teaching staff and applicants for the specialty "Social Work" and "Psychology".
Director of the qualification Center Olena Davydyuk introduced everyone to the procedure for awarding professional qualifications at the Center.
A thorough and interesting report was announced by Volodymyr Kovtunets, who justified the expansion of employment opportunities in the labor market for holders of certificates of assignment or confirmation of professional qualifications. In this context, they also discussed the specifics of assessing professional knowledge through testing, and evaluating the ability to use professional knowledge in practical activities.
In further communication with scientists and applicants of NULES, our distinguished guests answered numerous questions about the specifics of legitimizing professional educational qualifications; about the essence and structure of the professional standard. The discourse on comparing the National qualifications framework with the European qualifications framework for lifelong learning was interesting and compelling. At the same time, the emphasis was placed on actual interdisciplinarity in professional qualifications – as an attribute of modern professionalism.
Head of the department of psychology Iryna Martyniuk was interested in the procedure for selecting experts, the mechanism of conducting the procedure for assigning professional qualifications to a practical psychologist. Head of the department of social work and rehabilitation Iryna Sopivnyk raised an urgent and appropriate question about the possibility of certification of a social manager, which was perceived as a productive prospect for the further activities of the qualification Center.
The participants of the meeting are grateful to both the guests-speakers and the management of the University and the faculty of humanities and pedagogy for the opportunity to join the conversation and get detailed answers to questions about confirmation and assignment of professional qualifications.
Associate professor of the department of social work and rehabilitation Lyudmyla CHEKAL