HDHL's Webinar World Food Day 2023

16 жовтня 2023 року

World Food Day 2023 - Different perspectives to ensure food security and sustainable water management

   With a growing population, there is a higher demand for food, animal feed and biofuel. Together we need to ensure that the food supply chain becomes more sustainable by, amongst other things, using less water. This means decreasing the use of water during the production, but also decreasing food waste so there is less water waste and finding safe ways to reuse it while preventing water pollution. However, it is also essential that we ensure that food products remain nutritious, safe, and affordable to consume while using and wasting less water. For this occasion, we are organising a special webinar on 16th of October 2023. We will use this opportunity to bring together representatives from a health, food, or systemic perspective as well as researchers, policymakers, and other institutes. With keynote speakers from FAO and WHO and in addition a view from project coordinators and an intersting panel discussion. Join us during this event by registering via the link below.

   DescriptionWater is life, water is food. Leave no one behind.
'Different perspectives to ensure food security and sustainable water management'

14:00 Welcome and introduction by HDHL
14:10 World Food Day 2023 - Lorenzo Bellù (FAO)
14:30 A perspective from WHO - Kremlin Wickramasinghe (WHO)
14:50 SYSTEMIC project HDHL - Marco Bindi (UNIFI)
15:10 Water4agrifood - Domenico Ventrella (CREA)
15:30 Break
15:35 Interactive session
15:40 Panel discussion with:
Laura Fernandez (HDHL)
Heather McKhann (FACCE-JPI)
Ingeborg Korme (JPI Oceans)
16:20 Closing


Press-centreRegional Educational Institutions (синій)To Applicants (синій)

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