7th Biomass & BioEnergy Asia

28 листопада 2023 року
28-30 Nov, 2023 - Ho Chi Minh City, HYBRID
7th Biomass & BioEnergy Asia
28-30 Nov, 2023 - Ho Chi Minh City, HYBRID
Corporate &
Site Visit Sponsor
Networking Cocktail Reception Sponsor
Networking Luncheon Sponsor 
Welcome Cocktail Sponsor 
“Enabling Sustainable & Stable Production of Biomass from SE Asia"
Registration for the 7th Biomass & BioEnergy Asia conference  (November 28-30, Novotel Saigon Centre) is now open!
This conference will bring together the international biomass markets and facilitate discussions around Vietnamese wood pellet production and bioenergy aspiration, regional trade and demand for wood pellets, PKS, EFB and etc, as well as pertinent issues on sustainability (and GHG) certification.    
The event in Ho Chi Minh city on 28-30 November, 2023 has confirmed speakers:

Preliminary Agenda of Main Conference on 29 – 30 Nov (Updated as of 4th Sept 2023)
Welcome Address
Nguyen Thanh Phong, President, Vietnam Wood Pellets Association 
Vietnam’s Wood Pellets Production & Trade: Current Situation & Future Opportunities
Dr Phuc Xuan To, Managing Director, Forest Policy, Trade & Finance (FPTF), Forest Trends
Updates on Erex’s Current & Future Biomass Development in Vietnam
Hiroaki Goto, Manager, Fuel Trading Division, Fuel Department, EREX Co., Ltd
Domestic Biomass for Energy Generation in Indonesia
Anita Puspita Sari, Vice President of Business Development, Marketing & Biomass Planning,
PLN Energi Primer Indonesia
SE Asia Wood Pellet Producers Panel Discussion
Kritpat Rojanaleekul (Pao Lee), Asst. Managing Director, PT Parawood Co. Ltd.
Lim Song Kuan, GM, Finance & Strategic Projects, Treeone Megapellet Sdn. Bhd.
Clarity on the Japanese Imports Requirement (Sustainability + GHG) & METI's Policy (topic to be confirmed)
Miho Okuno, Sustainability Manager, Biomass Fuel Dept., RENOVA Inc.
Takanobu Aikawa, Senior Researcher, Renewable Energy Institute
Panel Discussion - Equipping SE Asian Biomass Supplies to Meet Demand Markets in North Asia
Takanobu Aikawa, Senior Researcher, Renewable Energy Institute
Solid Biofuels Analysis: Variation of Important Elements in Vietnam & Novel Approach for Metals Contamination Control
Dr. Liem Nguyen Van, Biomass Laboratory Manager, Control Union Vietnam
Dry bulk shipping market outlook and its implications for biomass transportation
Jayendu Krishna, Director-Deputy Head Maritime Advisors, Drewry Maritime Services
Day 1 - 28 November 2023,
Day 2 - 29 November 2023,
Day 3 – 30 November 2023,
Pre-Conference Site Visits 
Uniexport’s Nam Tan Uyen Wood Pellet Plant


Control Union’s Biomass Lab
(08:00 - 18:00)
Main Conference
Biomass & BioEnergy Asia
(09:00 – 18:30)

Conference Starts - 09:00

Coffee Networking Reception - 10:30

Networking Luncheon - 12:30

Tea Networking Reception - 15:45

Networking Cocktail - 17:00
Main Conference
Biomass & BioEnergy Asia
(09:00 – 14:00)

Conference Starts - 09:00

Coffee Networking Reception - 10:30

Networking Luncheon - 12:30
EARLY BIRD DISCOUNTS (for Main Conference)

Book your delegate pass for the main conference and pay by 15 September to SAVE:
USD400* per person for a single booking OR
USD600* per person for 3 or more bookings 
* applicable for in-person participation only
You can sign-up as a delegate online at an attractive Early Bird Rate!
Contact Ms. Huiyan at huiyan@cmtsp.com.sg or call +65 6346 9113 for assistance with registrations


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