The applicant for specialty "Professional education" became the chairman of the Senate of the student organization of the NULES faculty of humanities and pedagogy!
The NULES of Ukraine has student self-government, which is an integral part of the University's public self-government.

On May 1, 2023, the election of the chairman of the Senate of the University's student organization and the faculty of humanities and pedagogy, in which applicants for all specialties took an active part. After all, it is very important who will head the student senate of the state pension fund and who exactly will represent the interests of students.
According to the results of voting in the new academic year, Alina Mayboroda, a 3rd year student of specialty ”Professional education” was elected the chairman of the Senate of the student organization of the faculty.

Alina announced the goals and plans for the next academic year: "Expanding the scope of organizational work, improving the quality of creative, intellectual, entertainment events; reforming the composition and optimizing the work of the team; finding ways to attract students to charity and volunteer activities, to scientific and sports events; improving the content of information platforms and popularizing information in social networks; conducting career guidance events with the participation of the student team for school students."
Team of the department of pedagogy and students are sincerely welcoming Alina Mayboroda with high-level recognition and hope for fruitful creative cooperation and new achievements!
Teaching and student groups of the department of pedagogy