Вебінар у рамках проєкту «Capacity building of Ukrainian researchers for sustainable livelihoods: socio-economic development» у співпраці з Університетом Ріддінг

20 липня 2023 року


У п’ятницю, 21 липня о 1500відбудеться вебінар у рамках проєкту «Capacity building of Ukrainian researchers for sustainable livelihoods: socio-economic development» у співпраці з Університетом Ріддінг (Велика Британія).
Тема вебінару: Написання наукового дослідження: написання реферату.
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Чим вони схожі чи відрізняються щодо:
а) яка інформація міститься?
б) як впорядковується інформація?
Реферат 1: Економіка сільського господарства
Abstract 11AgriculturalEconomics
No Evidence of Trade-Off between Farm Efficiency and Resilience: Dependence of Resource-Use Efficiency on Land-Use Diversity
  Efficiency in the use of resources stream-lined for expected conditions could lead to reduced system diversity and consequently endanger resilience. We tested the hypothesis of a trade- off between farm resource-use efficiency and land-use diversity. We applied stochastic frontier production models to assess the dependence of resource-use-efficiency on land-use diversity as illustrated by the Shannon-Weaver index. Total revenue in relation to use of capital, land and labour on the farms in Southern Finland with a size exceeding 30 ha was studied. The data were extracted from the Finnish Profitability Bookkeeping data. Our results indicate that there is either no trade-off or a negligible trade-off of no economic importance. The small dependence of resource-use efficiency on land-use diversity can be positive as well as negative. We conclude that diversification as a strategy to enhance farm resilience does not necessarily constrain resource-use efficiency. (140 words)
Реферат 2: Лісівництво
Abstract 22: Forestry
Import volumes and biosecurity interventions shape the arrival rate of fungal pathogens
  Global trade and the movement of people accelerate biological invasions by spreading species worldwide. Biosecurity measures seek to allow trade and passenger movements while preventing incursions that could lead to the establishment of unwanted pests, pathogens, and weeds. However, few data exist to evaluate whether changes in trade volumes, passenger arrivals, and biosecurity measures have altered rates of establishment of nonnative species over time. This is particularly true for pathogens, which pose significant risks to animal and plant health and are consequently a major focus of biosecurity efforts but are difficult to detect. Here, we use a database of all known plant pathogen associations recorded in New Zealand to estimate the rate at which new fungal pathogens arrived and established on 131 economically important plant species over the last 133 years. We show that the annual arrival rate of new fungal pathogens increased from 1880 to about 1980 in parallel with increasing import trade volume but subsequently stabilised despite continued rapid growth in import trade and recent rapid increases in international passenger arrivals.
Nevertheless, while pathogen arrival rates for crop and pasture species have declined in recent decades, arrival rates have increased for forestry and fruit tree species. These contrasting trends between production sectors reflect differences in biosecurity effort and suggest that targeted biosecurity can slow pathogen arrival and establishment despite increasing trade and international movement of people. (228 words)
Реферат 3: Економіка АПК
Abstract 33: Agricultural Economics
Economic Assessment of FMDv Releases from the National Bio and Agro Defense Facility
This study evaluates the economic consequences of hypothetical foot-and-mouth disease releases from the future National Bio and Agro Defense Facility in Manhattan, Kansas. Using an economic framework that estimates the impacts to agricultural firms and consumers, quantifies costs to non-agricultural activities in the epidemiologically impacted region, and assesses costs of response to the government, we find the distribution of economic impacts to be very significant. Furthermore, agricultural firms and consumers bear most of the impacts followed by the government and the regional non-agricultural firms. (88 words)
Набір на навчання (синій)_2015Регіональні навчальні заклади (синій)Захисти дисертацій

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