Production and Investment Management Department: we invite practitioners to share their experience with master's students

24 березня 2023 року

It has already become a good tradition of the Production and Investment Management Department to invite practitioners to lectures for the students and encourage them to share their own experience. So, on March 21, 2023, Iryna Kononchuk was invited to a meeting with master's degree students of the educational program "Management of Investment Activity and International Projects". The guest lecture was held thanks to the initiative of the Guarantor of the Educational Program, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Lidiia Shynkaruk and acting Head of the Production and Investment Management Department, Doctor of Economics, Professor Maryna Dielini.


Iryna Kononchuk has got enough experience of working as a financial director in various TNCs in the pharmaceutical industry, as well as practice in project activities, in particular, in the social sphere.

The meeting was attended not only by master's students studying at EP "Management of Investment Activity and International Projects", but also by students of other specialties who were interested in the topic of the meeting "Peculiarities of the functioning of international companies".


During the lecture, Iryna was glad to share her experience of the operation of TNCs, the specifics of their activities, noted that they account for 90% of the world's foreign direct investments. The experience of TNC is interesting for students of our educational program, because the opening of new branches in the country can be considered as an international project to which you can join. Knowledge of the peculiarities of the functioning of international corporations is also important for comparison to small projects and understanding the difference between them, in particular, the specifics of their financing.


Iryna also shared some tips on how to get a job at TNK for those who have such a desire. At the end of the meeting, the students asked interesting questions that helped to further understand the topic. Meetings of this format help students to immerse themselves more deeply in the world of their future profession. Therefore, we do not stop, but plan new meetings that will allow us to develop the studying process at the educational master's program "Management of Investment Activity and International Projects" to make it more and more interesting and useful!




Acting Head of the Production and
Investment Management Department

Translated by Kateryna ALEKSEIEVA

To Applicants (синій)Press-centreRegional Educational Institutions (синій)

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