Educational discussion – a priority method of teaching at Stanislav Nikolaenko's seminars

10 березня 2023 року


Today, the NULES of Ukraine continues full-time training with undergraduates of the faculty of humanities and pedagogy. Students who have been waiting for "live" learning for a long time are happy to fill classrooms, communicate with friends, actively participate in creative, scientific, sports and cultural activities of the University, and most importantly-learn joint teamwork.

This time, future managers were acquiring professional competence at the seminar session of professor Stanislav Nikolaenko on the organizational and pedagogical foundations of management and self-management in the activities of the head of an educational institution. At the seminar, among all the variety of teaching methods, the priority was occupied by a productive educational discussion as a way to form students critical thinking, professional culture, communication skills, teamwork skills and the use of research methods. In the discussion at the lesson, topical issues related to modern requirements for the head, the practical application of the laws of self-government, self-management, time management, the management model of educational institutions, the organization of work and the workplace, forms of management, criteria for evaluating the managerial activity of the head, planning the work of the educational institution were raised.

Throughout the lesson, students were active participants in the educational and discussion event. They entered into productive, tolerant and frank discussions with each other, asked relevant questions, supplemented their colleagues, and reasonably expressed their own opinions and positions.


Ihor Butsyk,
deputy dean of the faculty of humanities and pedagogy


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