Language exists only when it is used": open lecture by Professor of the department of journalism and speech communication T. F. Semashko.

4 березня 2023 року


Open classes are an integral part of the educational process and one of the forms of teacher work in the context of continuous professional and general education, increasing responsibility for the results of training and upbringing of students. It is also a big event that demonstrates the level of professionalism of the teacher and an opportunity to get feedback from students and colleagues to improve their professional skills.

On the 1st of March, 2023, on the first day of spring, an open online lecture by Doctor of philological sciences, professor of the department of journalism and language communication Tatiana Semashko, was held. It was delivered to 3rd year students ofspecialty "Journalism" from the academic discipline "Practical stylistics". Everyone could join the event, which was presented by the lecturer, and get useful information on the topic "Stylistics as a linguistic science and academic discipline. The place of practical stylistics in the media system".


Tetyana Fedorivna began her cooperation with future journalists with a succinct message: "Language only exists when it is used! Whatever a person calls or expresses, he/she always reveals his/her personal essence. That is why language is a criterion for the level at which human culture is located.". The mission of a journalist involves a conscious attitude to speech practice and speech behavior; a journalist must perfectly master both all levels of speech culture and the communicative qualities of the language system.

A special feature of the meeting was the lecturer's feedback with the audience – students actively joined the conversation, demonstrating the knowledge they had previously acquired: "traditionally, there are four main levels of the language system: phonological, morphological, lexical-semantic and syntactic," reported Kateryna Karmazina; "diachrony is a vertical section of speech, and Synchrony is a horizontal section," added Vadym Matsibura; "the object of research is the material that is being studied; the subject of research is the aspect in which this material is being studied," - demonstrated knowledge of the essence of the terms Lapin Oleksandr and others.

The highlight was Tatyana Fyodorovna's proposal to conduct a linguistic experiment: students presented statements about what "language" means to them: "Language is the embodiment of thought. The richer the thought, the richer the language is"; "Language is a system of verbal expression of thoughts, which has a certain sound and grammatical structure"; "Language is a means of communication in human society"; "Ukrainian language is the state language of Ukraine, the national language of a multi-million Ukrainian people" and so on. By comparing and analyzing the latter, the object and subject of stylistics as a science and academic discipline were identified.



Further, the conversation was aimed at covering other issues: the importance of stylistics in the media and its tasks; problems of stylistics of the Ukrainian language; methods and techniques used to investigate, describe and study stylistic phenomena, etc. Tetyana Fedorivna told, explained, gave examples, in particular, from her own life, gave good advice. The application of theoretical knowledge in practice was useful: an analysis of the speech style of "Telethon" journalists was made.


The highlight of the meeting was the audience's advice on choosing the right word fromMykola Stepanenko, doctor of philological sciences, professor of the department of journalism and language communication, among which: "Students, I want you not just to read words, but to savor them."


As a result, Tetyana Fedorivna emphasized that "in the context of mass media, the practical stylistics of the modern Ukrainian language is a necessary stage in the training of journalists, since stylistics is a kind of pinnacle of language research, a theoretical basis for the development of the national language culture, which is presented by media professionals."

Thank you, Prof. Semashko T. F. for reading an interesting, and most importantly – effective lecture: information was presented dynamically, with examples and accompanied by a high-quality and informative presentation.

Congratulations to Tetyana Fedorivna and see you again!


Kateryna Karmazina, Vladyslav Moshkovskyi,
3rd year students of the specialty "Journalism"

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