Features of online training for different personality types

20 лютого 2023 року


Distance learning has become an integral part of the life of students and teachers during martial law in Ukraine. Universities and colleges are suspending traditional classes and are forced to switch to online learning. Students face a variety of academic and social challenges in an online classroom. It is important to know how to use students ' natural inclinations to their advantage. Armed with this research, lecturers can apply various learning strategies to successfully interact in a virtual environment.

  The theoretical basis for typologizing people is the concept of K. G. Jung, according to which there is an extroverted personality type — one whose life force is drawn from the outside world — and an introverted one whose psychic energy is stored in the inner world of a person. As colleges and universities across the country practice the online world under martial law, both introverted and extroverted students must adapt to the changes. The best learning methods should be applied for the successful implementation of educational programs. According to the authoritative American psychotherapist and researcher M. Laney, the excellent ratio of introverts to extroverts is one in three.

   This proportion is considered to be correct. However, analyzing the research of scientists, it should be noted that Ukrainians are an introverted nation. The well-known researcher V. Yaniv states this in his works. "With emotionality and weak freedom, [natural is the appeal] to quiet reflection, reflection, or even melancholy." Analyzing the advantages of synchronous and asynchronous learning, it is necessary to take into account the introversion of Ukrainian students.

  Students with the "introvert" personality type need internal reflection to recharge their batteries. According to the researchers, this means that introverts often appreciate the opportunity to review educational materials in their spare time at their own pace. Introverts tend to feel comfortable in asynchronous classrooms, where they can view, pause hands-on Sessions, or lecture courses at will. When taking synchronous courses, introverts should review their presentations and materials in advance. While not all introverts experience social anxiety or shyness, it is often more difficult for them to communicate in a group. This difficulty can be even more evident in real-time synchronous classes, where real people are replaced with "avatars" (user images) on the computer screen.

   To participate in the class, introverts can share questions or comments via chat windows, class discussion forums, and email. It is easier for introverts to work in small groups than with a large group of students. If the other members of the group are strong personalities, this may not be bearable. The training strategy is to divide projects into individual, delegated tasks. This is a great way to balance group participation and the desire to work alone. It may also be helpful for introverts to do preparatory work and brainstorm before group discussions so that they can share their ideas with confidence.

   Extroverts feed on external energy and interaction with others, which makes synchronous learning the best option. However, extroverts may find it difficult to establish meaningful contacts with more than two dozen participants in real time. Extroverts should connect to the class in advance to interact with other students in small groups. Extroverts can also prepare for classes by discussing material in online discussion boards, chat rooms, via email or text messages. Extroverts enjoy interaction, but it's hard to compete for attention at a large Zoom conference, even if the teacher gives the floor to speak as part of a student discussion. The short-term joy of participating is even more limited during asynchronous classes.

   Extroverts tend to adapt more easily to a synchronous learning environment than introverts. It's easier for them to engage in a conversation while staying in the foreground. During asynchronous learning, extroverts can participate in live lessons, review sessions, and small discussion groups. Extroverts are well suited to working together in a group. They can play an important role as group leaders and mediators, helping to support the discussion. Learning strategies-group work. Group work gives extroverts the opportunity to express themselves, but it's important that they don't dominate others. It is necessary to strive to create an environment in which everyone will feel comfortable and have the motivation to speak.

   Synchronous and asynchronous training is indispensable under martial law. The right choice of learning strategies, taking into account personality types and national characteristics, will help students adapt to changes and contribute to the successful implementation of educational programs.


Bilous Alina,
associate professor of the department of English philolog

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