Certification of graduate students in the Humanities took place

15 вересня 2022, 17:25

 According to the rector's order No. 583 of 01.09.2022, on September 12, the online meeting of the Scientific Council of the faculty of humanities and pedagogy carried out the certification of postgraduates and applicants for higher education of the degree of Doctor of philosophy, studying at the ESP in the following specialties: 011 "Educational and pedagogical sciences", 015 "Professional education", 032 "History and archeology", 033 "Philosophy " and 053 "Psychology".



Attestation commission in the approved composition (doctor of historical sciences, Prof.  Vasyl Strilets, doctor of pedagogical sciences, Prof. Svitlana Amelina, doctor of pedagogical sciences, assoc. prof. Viktoriia Dyomina, doctor of philos. sciences, Prof. Vira Dodonova, Dr. of psychol. sciences, assoc. prof. Oleksiy Polunin, doctor of philology, associate professor  Svitlana Kharchenko, cand. of pedag. sciences, assoc. prof. Olena Balalaeva) headed by the chairman Inna Savytska  listened to the reports of graduate students who reported on the implementation of the individual plan, the scientific and educational component of the doctor of philosophy training.


The Attestation commission focused on the actual state of writing the dissertation, testing the research results, and publishing activity.






  Postgraduates and applicants spoke about scientific works published on the topic of the dissertation during the reporting period, articles in scientific professional publications of Ukraine and publications indexed in international scientometric databases, participation in scientific and practical conferences.


Scientific supervisors gave a brief description to graduate students and applicants.




Despite the difficulties of wartime, graduate students in the humanities assign a proper place in the hierarchy of priorities to the implementation of scientific research, writing dissertations. Two graduate students – Serhiy Mykhnyuk and Vitaliy Miroshnichenko - completed their dissertation ahead of schedule, which is a great example for their colleagues.


Good results in various types of activities, as well as qualities worthy of a young scientist: the desire for self-development, discipline, responsibility, punctuality were demonstrated by Oleksandra Sokolova (scientific supervisor: Prof. Mykola Maksyuta), Viktoriia Shekhovtsova-Buryanova (scientific supervisor: assoc. prof. Inna Savytska), Viktoria Budehay (scientific supervisor: Prof. Iryna Demchenko).



Postgraduates of the first year of study were also invited to the meeting, who had the opportunity to get acquainted with the certification procedure and get certain guidelines for planning activities, because their first report is also coming soon.



Based on the results of discussing the reports, the members of the Attestation commission approved the decision to certify 37 graduate students and applicants.

Chairman of the Attestation commission Inna Savytska congratulated graduate students and research supervisors, focused on the need to increase publication activity, including in alma mater publications. She also advised not to forget about career guidance activities, because the new academic year is also a holiday to enjoy the new wave of students and postgraduates at the faculty of humanities and pedagogybut it is also a great reason to think about who will move Ukrainian education and science in the future.


Olena Balalaeva,
secretary of the Scientific Council of the faculty of humanities and pedagogy

Regional Educational Institutions (синій)Press-centreTo Applicants (синій)

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