Double master's degree program together with the Millennium Higher School (Gniezno, Poland) for students of program "Marketing"

16 липня 2022 року
     In order to expand the international activities of the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine and to deepen cooperation with European universities, representatives of the Alma Mater visited the Gneznina Higher School of the Millennium School in Poland.

     As part of the initiation of international cooperation between the Gnieźnieńską Szkolą Wyższą Milenium and the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Professor Ruslan Buryak the head of the Department of Marketing and International Trade, held an organizational meeting. The participants of the meeting were the rector of GSW Millennium, Dr. Krzysztof Gawrecki, the dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences in Gniezno, Dr. Tomasz Albiński, and the dean of the GSW Millennium branch in Vongrovka, Dr. Mykola Orlykovskii.

     During his stay at GSW Millennium, Ruslan Buryak conducted an analysis of existing specialties, unified and adapted educational programs to the standards of the European Union. As a result of the meeting, a decision was made to start studies under the double degree program and the signing of a cooperation agreement between the universities is planned in the near future, which will allow students of the Faculty of Agrarian Management to study under the double degree program and to develop a mobility program for the scientific and pedagogical staff of the Department of Marketing and International Trade.

Thank you very much for your hospitality and we hope for further cooperation!!!!

Olena Nahorna 
Associate professor of the department of marketing and international trade







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