Discussion of the first semester of first-year agrobiologists is a difficult time, a difficult semester, but youth and diligence will overcome everything.

20 грудня 2022 року
   In fact, it seems like yesterday that these young men and women came to become students - they are different, but also like their beauty, clear vision, desire to grow professionally within the walls of our University. And - of course - this was the beginning of student life.
   The first few years of acquaintance were, for the most part, organizational, all the necessary things needed to be told - about the university, studies, discipline and, unfortunately, about safety. My young friends, as I call them, became students during the war. Joy in the eyes, but anxiety in the soul.... And confidence in a decent future in our country.

В день посвяти у студенти

Староста нашої групи Ісаков Валерій – справжній лідер і друг

   From the first day, every student of our 5th group felt like a part of a big university family. And the first excursions, our first meetings took place, of course, on the territory of Alma Mater. And NULES seemed to try to show off all its beauty in front of the new family members.

Перша наша прогулянка ботанічним садом НУБіП

   The first semester is always the most anxious and difficult, but we were gathered, tried to fulfill the curriculum as much as possible - in classrooms and independently. Yes, it is not easy, but it is more difficult for our defenders at the front - and we do not forget that.

Виступи в одній із головних зал університету

Вивчали ґрунти в теорії й практично

І знову - надихатись красою в своєму ботанічному саду

А дівчат у нас значно менше, хлопцям непросто…

    And now it is the first session. We now meet remotely and maintain constant communication through correspondence. As a mentor and teacher, I am sincerely pleased to hear positive feedback from my first-year students about studies and teachers. "They treat us with understanding, they work a lot extra, taking into account the challenges of today" - say my students. And no complaints about the complex program, about life's difficulties. The ability to cope with them hardens character and builds reliability.


 Have a good time, young friends. Happy holidays and Merry Christmas! 


Nataliya Pasichnyk, curator of the group,
associate professor of the department of
agrochemistry and quality of crop production


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