Forestry measures can reduce the threat to the village of Kosachivka from forest fires

11 грудня 2022 року
Village of Kosachivka

Employees of the Department of Forestry - Professor Sergiy Zibtsev and associate professor Vasyl Gumeniuk took part in a production meeting on implementation of anti-fire silvicultural measures in pine forests near the village of Kosachivka, Chernihiv Region.

Professor Sergiy Zibtsev explains a concept of protecting the village of Kosachivka from
forest fires by using forestry measures
In August 2008, a big wildfire destroyed about 3,000 hectares of forests and came close to the village. Since then, the burned area has been reforestrated with pine seedlings, which now pose an extreme danger were a similar wildfire to occur. 
In order to preclude any possibility of a crown fire approaching the settlement,  faculty members of the Department of Forestry have proposed to carry out forest fire prevention measures in the regrowing forest stands located within 500 m of the village. This will be the first time such an activity is conducted in Ukraine and therefore will be of an experimental nature.
Student Iryna Zibtseva and associate professor Vasyl Gumeniuk carry out the selection of tree cores
in the pine forest area in order to determine the age of the forest stand
The meeting was attended by representatives of the State Agency of Forest Resources of Ukraine, Chernihiv Regional Department of Forestry and Hunting, and Chernihiv State Forestry Enterprise. In April 2023, after cutting, faculty members of the department will conduct a preventive controlled burning of forest litter in the plantations. These two measures will reduce wildfire hazard and contribute to firefighters’ ability to protect the settlement from fires.


Professor of the Department of Forestry
and Head of the Regional Eastern Europe Fire Monitoring Center
Sergiy Zibtsev


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